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It is pretty straight forward. Chroma is the primary threat. She goes after the bulk of my opponent's army, but not recklessly. The Honorguard provides a secondary threat, as well as speed and autodamage. She helps crack any high defenses, and can grab an objective late in the game. The Monks are the shock troops. It is that simple.
Yes I know it is vulnerable against Spirit Armor, but I can still pull off a victory without Chroma. Other than that, it really doesn't have any weaknesses.
When possible, your scalesworn will be shot up pretty bad. Even though the mount has GF, you can still aim at the rider.
It's pretty decent. Semi-similiar to my Chroma build, only has more threats, and is thus less-susceptible to spirit armor(as you mentioned.)
One thing that I've noticed a problem is that while Chroma is awesome with no relic, a relic really really ups her value. Granted paying 120 for her nowadays is a steal with her stealth and plus one speed, but you do have to worry about some things.
You know, thinking about, I'd love for my Chroma army to take on yours, it would be a real hoot!
I really don't think my Scalesworn has to worry much about range. The main reason I am using the tough Scalesworn is to protect it from range. It has a psuedo 20 defense against range, 21 if Grasslands is in play. That is high enough to protect it from just about anything.
I know that Chroma really gains from a relic, as she could use something to up her attack and make her harder to hit (I personally like using Monk's Blade on her), but it comes down to having another Whelp Monk, or having a relic on Chroma. I for one think that an extra figure is always more to your advantage, especially in this case where another Monk enables me to have a formation.
I've looked over your army, and it is pretty good. I would love to take it on and see which one performs the best, but I am quite confident that my mine would win. :p
If you ever get a 3'x3' hex mat we could play over AIM. So far ArmyC, mrdbeau, Quigro, and I are the only ones with one, though. I could really use some competition, as ever since I moved I can only go to my venue once or twice a month. I have a list of armies a mile long that I need to try out.
Whereas I am a fan of having more clix to spread around for your points, I think I'm going to have to politely agree to disagree with you in this case. :cool:
The thing is, you don't need formations with how few guys you have in your army. Another bruiser would be nice, as I said before, but I don't think it's really needed.
What kind of hex map do I need? Is there a specific brand that's the perfect size and stuff? I know heroclix has a really strong online league support system, and I'm all for supporting the growth of that type of thing here.
Oh yeah, one more thing: I bet my Chroma could beat your Chroma. :p
The one I got is from It is 3'x3', with 1.5" hexs. It is labeled with letters on one side and numbers on the other. Try and contact ArmyC if you want more information. He's the one that started the whole thing.
Personally, I would swap out one of your ***Monks for a *Monk, and add a potion of dueling so that you have a better shot at any hard to hit enemies. Just a suggestion.