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Everyone under the sun can build a decent Spirit Armor army, but few look past that hunk of cheese and at some of the true EL gems of DR. Here's my take on DR EL pure, and I myself am quite pleased with it:
Herald Calianthia (w/Scroll of Storms)- 73pts.
EL Cloud Griffon- 63pts.
x2 Snow Centaur** (alpha)- 41pts. each
x2 Snow Maiden** (beta)- 41 points each
Hierimann Gods:
It is EL pure after all, and this domain makes each one of my figures a potent threat. It also gives Herald Caliantia a ranged attack that actually does damage.
Clear Skies:
There are tons of weather domains that could cause problems for this army. Storm Gale and Downpour are problaby its biggest worry.
Open Terrain:
There are also tons of terrain domains that hurt me. One of the main strengths of this army is its speed, and there are lots of terrain domains that prevent that from being exploited. Wyldann Forest is probably my biggest concern.
(I know I never resort to counter domains, but that's all I could really think of with this army)
Terrain: x2 Curtain Walls, x1 Hindering, x1 Deep Water
The main purpose of this army is speed, and lots of it. Every single figure in this army can move nearly twice the average speed. This army also has a plethora of autodamage, with each unit capable of dishing it out. This army tries to exploit those two strengths as best as possible, which results in mainly Guerilla Tactics.
The Snow Centuars are my shock troops. They have the highest speed with free doubletime, can move for free, and are able to deal two types of autodamage. They also have a high defense and a long dial to keep them in the fight for as long as possible. They are mainly used as medium harassers.
The Snow Maidens are my main ranged threats. The beta version has the highest bounding range of the Snow Maidens, and is also the only version with 3 ranged damage. They provide me with not only stable ranged fire, but possible harassment. They also are my main means of dealing with toughness and invulnerability.
Herald Calianthia is a jack of all trades. She can do just about anything. She is mainly a support piece, providing Leadership and Hex to my Centaurs while standing out of the main conflict. Most of the time she will be soaring. She also can provide a bit of ranged support, and can Magic Confuse figures from far away to line up a shot with my Snow Maidens, or use the Scroll of Storm for an important shot. She can also provide me with a close combat heavy hitter. In desperate situations, she can Trample large groups of figures. In addition, she can Overwhelm opposing mounts if deemed necessary.
I must be missing something, wheredoes milk come into this?
Anyway, I think its a strong army with a lot going for it. The MBound MC will allow you to mover around your opponent's figures, the Maidens give you a large amount of ranged support, and the Centaur provide you with quick harrasers that are also strong fighters.
There are a few flaws I see though:
1. DT turns of Speed SAs, so you don't have 20 inch moving for free centaur that ram.
2. You don't have any Healing/Revenant. Since you are playing faction pure and not cheesey, I would suggest squeezing in a War Priestess some how. The healing would benefit you, and benefits any army really.
3. Cheese will tear you up bad, but that is inevitable when you want to play a fun army in a tournament.
As fun armies go, this one is excellent, but as tourney armies go, you'll run into trouble.
That looks like an all around team. Hmm... I like it
Hermain Gods works well with it too, but the attack of the cheese will stomp you flat. If you play with FAIR people this army should be fun to play and it will usually come out on top. I myself play with fair people and I see how your army could whop up on others. Great Job!
Having said that all I would say that you should add the ** war priestess. Pathfinder and MH i believe. It goes gould with your patch of hindering if you place the terrian near the center objective. Nice work Outlaw7