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41 **Snow Centaur (Auto-damage harrasser, yay quickness ram)
29 **Deathsinger (Revenant)
Comes to 300 points
Code of the Raiders (Duh!)
Rain and Mud (No Surge, two Chargers in my army)
Storm Gale (No range is always good for orcses)
I am a little concerned with the low attack values over-all in the army, but if really high defense value figs are thrown at me I can put down Code of the Raiders and hope that it doesn't happen twice in the same tourney.
hey, not sure if i remember code of the raiders, but i think the bonuses go to the army with the highest point orc. that being said you might want to watch out, alot of people use rava. if i were you, and you have the pieces, i would trade out the ** harka, the *** violator, the deathsinger, centaur, and add in khan harrowblade and heartdrinker. they fit more with sorm gale, but i would take out the rain and mud and add smoke and fog, conviction, or inferno, to fit with the range-limiting theme.
Like both Grathel and jviper said, Not a Tusk of the Code army! Loose the revanant piece and the centaur. Either you are or you aint! The code of the raiders domain use when you have Rava or Harrowblade in the army or the Thunder Drummer. But if you don't want to use one of them, take out the two Non orcs and throw in Heartdrinker with Magestone bracers 44+10 and a ** Maurader 16 pts for 70pts Heartdrinker gives you a 10 attack with healing and a pretty good def. Personally I think you need at least a 11/12 attacker in case your opponent has something with a high defense. Just a thought!
add * Blood Shaman (keep him Soaring for Hex and Healing)
and ***Warbeast for your deep threat and harrassment
this army at least doesn't fear Zeph/Spirit Armor but...
or for a real Orcy treat try:
Harrowblade 102
Ranger Plate 26
Magestone Bracers 10
Blood Shaman * 34
Ub-Khan *** 59
3 Maurauders * 36
2 Marauders ** 32
for 299 points of pain. use the weenies to tie up and harass and for Gang-up. Harrow is very difficult to hit, with Ghostform and also 19 Defense with Parry in close combat. The Ub-Khan is great as a "secondary" threat. Believe me, this army cand o major, major damage. You can always swap a *** Warbeast for the Ub-Khan if you like Shake-off...
jgklaw has a point, the blood shaman's are great when soaring. You have Hex and magic healing and you can only be attacked at a range and you up your defense value by 2. You also can fire back on your turn if you don't need to hex or heal. You could also get a couple of ** orc marauders (lurk! very good) and put them in a formation with a thunder drummer, weak figures (1 damage figures) can't hurt you except the thunder drummer unless they get a critical hit. If bigger figs target the fromation, you have 18 defense. The Drummer even has pathfinder to put your figures into the woods.
Or you can try this:
x4 ** Orc hunter's in a formation with the Drummer, just bring them into hindering terrian and shoto away at whoever you please, you then have points left open to put more figures in, relics or items.