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I'm new and I am guessing I suck, I just started at the end of my college semester with a friend and we didn't get the rules right until the third game. anyway, he left and I have no one to play with until this tournament this next thursday, out of the pieces of I have I made this army, I don't have any dark riders pieces yet , and these army utilises the few uniques I have, anyway, here is my army and a few comments on why I did things the way I did, it is for a 1 vs 1 secnario, 500 points, 3 actions per turn.
Horned Hunter - to take other peoples actions, giving pieces like Khan Rava attacks every turn.
Blood Shaman * Healing/Hex
Khan Rava - His insane range, two targets and 4 damage with pierce and bound, I think it's self explanatory , I couldn't believe his stats when I got him, I believe pulled is the term?
Drakor - I figured I needed something soaring, he is strong, can sneak behind other dudes.
-equipped with Torengrim's helm just to make him strong...
Formation #1:
Anunuub - Mageblast and a high attack as well as 2 targets
-equipped with technomantic attractor - to absorb attacks and keep him alive.
2 x Combat Magus ** - has equal range to anunuub and mageblast, can use range formation actions, probably +1 damage since this game has a low number of actions, although I could shoot also if I roll a 6 with khan rava.
Ok guys, let me know what you think and suggestions, u think that the helm is on the right piece? I could put it on rava as he is my centerpiece and could use the defense.... alright thanks!
I just got a Kossak , so I am thinking of bringing him as back up and putting the helm on him incase there is a varatrix.......that way I could sit back and pick off things with rava and use kossak to block off the trix... anyway, how do you deploy units in these tournaments? one at a time?
I would dump the 3 Atlantean pieces and the Technomatic Attractor. That frees up quite a few points that you can put into:
1) Some harassment pieces - fast, reasonably inexpensive pieces that you can use to tie down your opponents army. Zombie Centaurs are good at this because they are cheap and fast since they can doubletime without taking the pushing damage (because they have the :hspeed: spped type).
2) Some secondary threat pieces. Rava is a ranged beast and Drakor rocks if you can get him into battle unharmed. But you need soem more figs to add some punch to your army. ***Zombie Centaurs are good in this role and can also serve as harassers. Other decent secondary threats are
***Ub-Khans, Harka Orcs (any), and **Rock Griffons.
3) Revenant - if you have any figs with revenant (except for Deathspeaker Donnie) you should try to figure out how to wedge one in your army. Revenant is a powerful ability...