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Okay, I've been playing Mage Knight for just about a month and I need some help coming up with a decent 300 point army out of the figs I have. This is what I have:
I said this on an earlier post and I'll say it again. I'm just trying to promote new armies and creative thinking.
The whole idea of the game is come up with your own ideas and when you find a nifty new combo and totally crush everyone else at your venue it feels awesome. Just pick something you like (say you like the elven lords) and make an army and try it out. Remember playing a cheesy army is always a bad thing. If you win people say "well of course he won he was using a cheesy army. What a jerk!" and if you lose people say "god how could he lose with an army like that?! what an idiot!" But if you play an original army and lose people say "well yea he lost because he was experimenting something new. He's a nice guy." But if you win people say "Wow what a great idea i never thought of that. This guy's a genius!" So It's all in your benefit to make up your own ideas. Good Luck!!!
I took Jason's advice and came up with a mostly Elven Lords army. I had to substitue in one non-faction figure because the only other EL pieces I have were too expensive.
thats not a bad army. you have alot of good figures for what they do.
kierin starsdawn: excellent range, he has an effective 18 inches with arcing fire, but dont be too recless with him, because if he gets based hes screwed. although he'll get eaten alive by rava, you shouldnt have to worry about that, because of the snow centaur, which brings me to my next point.
snow centaur**: if its the version im thinking of (the quickness/ram one) then you will do well. they can double time without taking a click (since they have the horseshoe speed type) and can quickness ram, later getting charge to help defend your kierin just as much as by ramming opposing figures early on. they can also tie up other long- range figs so kierin can precision a good shot at them first.
Flame priestess * are great, with stormfire to mess up enemy formations, and damaging messes of figs, lowering their attacks so they miss the battle horse's 18 defense and take a counterattack.the horse is independant, so it can fight long after the rider dies or dismounts.
the * wolfkin, is, in my opinion, one of the best melee figs in the game. surges into stealth, with wm and crushing blow that not only negates damage reducers, but pesky dodge.
all around a good army, a little heavy on the range, but the battle horse can balance it out.
ps. i dont know how good the thunder griffon is, but if hes good, you could try trading him in for the battle horse by takng out the shield or something, but i thinkyour army's pretty good right now.