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seems like you cant spell. never mind, im just kiddin. I think the choice of warriors is to weak, orks are supposed to swarm. Try to pick up some *** orc maruaders, 2 or 3 of them are better then one ubkhan if u use them correctly. rating * 1/2 out of ***** stars.
try to pick up a ***hakara or two surge if needed that is what they are for and they only loose one attack and if you can you could really use some ranged support for this reccomended figures are kahn rava * and *** ub-kahn and i think its the *hunter it might be the *** however and maybe even a gulthack or two but warbeasts are relly hard to use very effectivley because they are big targets and they get frenzy and except for the *** its is very hard to hit more than 1 thunder blow but greevil is verry correct *** star marauders are the best peices for cost in my opinion and make the best gang up peices because they have relativley low attacks but have the reckless subfaction