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Now everyone of these figures has either toughness (Scorch and Horse) or the Shadow Khans subfaction ability. Now this is where my stradegy comes out. I would pick these two domains:
1. Pestilence:
Remove all concealing and hindering terrain features from the game. At the beginning of each player's command phase, that player can choose up to three target opposing warriors; Pestilence deals 1 damage to each of those targets. At the beginning of each player's end phase, eliminate all warriors with the Demoralized special ability.
Pestilence cancels the Grasslands and Wylden Forest terrain domains, and it is canceled by the Lords of Apocalypse faith domain
So I can give 1 damage to three of my opponents figures every turn, if they do not have toughness, invulnerability, or shadow khans special ability. Any figure at the end of our command phase with demoralised, is removed. Toremgrims Helm gets rid of demoralized.
2. Clear Skies:
Cancel all weather domains.
Ill only use this if someone plays storm gale.
My stradegy:
I slowly move my guys up, making the big guns weaker with pestilence, until I know I can kill them without much damage to my figures. Then I move Rava and Scorch in for the kill. I pick off my opponents remaining guys, with Rava's 3 target, 14 inch range attack until the battle feild is cleared, and I win for just anhilating my opponent.
I have one with this army many of times and it always does better and better.
Yeah, but mine is 97, so to stop a whole bunch of arguments and confusion at me venue, we ALL use whats on the figures/cards and make the best out of it. I dont like wasting paper/ink on faqs, that are just going to be changed in a week.