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Code of the Raider - Wel there are a bunch of orcs after all.
Darkness - Limit my opponent's range if he has something crazy.
Cold Snap - Blow Submerge out of the water.
The premise of this army is to just build something that was Orc pure (mounts don't count since they count as the faction of the rider for formations). I really like the Wolfkin as objective takers, and the Warbeast just runs around and hits things. I threw in Heartdrinker because he is a great fighter and healer, and I wanted to see if I could field Sunfire Javelin effectively (as soon as I get Crox though...). Then you just throw in the Blood Shaman for redundancy and the Hex.
Fitting in a Cavalry unit proved to be the hard part. I settled on the Cheap Eagle Shamn for some extra redundancy healing and he isn't half bad at killing stuff anyway. Skydancer was an after thought. I wanted to give the Shaman a fast mount with charge, and all I could come up with was Skydancer with the 12 inch Charge. I'm not too worried about the Skittishness of Skydancer since the Eagle SHaman isn't half bad on his feet, so I think it was a pretty decent paring.
For Domains I am really at a loss. Code of the Raider is an obviouse choice, but after that I'm out of ideas.
Anyway, what do you all think about the army? Could it work? Am I insane for fielding Skydancer? I figure he's the next best thing to a Sky Dragon, and he's some 20 points cheaper to boot.
I alway feel that with a skittish mount, you need another mount that can attack with Charge/MC or a dismount type figure, so that if your figure is overwhelmed, you can return the favor...if you use a ground unit with Skittish, it's ok as long as you have the right troops to punish anyone who overwhelms you...
I think this needs a higher attack figure that can really deal the pain to an Honorguard that uses Overwhelm...
Maybe Heartdrinker should have Treefell and Maghestone Bracers on...
as far as domains go i would say whenever you field a flying mount make sure to bring clear skies and Heat Wave to be able to counter Downpour.
From todays experience i can tell you that Downpour can really ruin your day .... especially if you try to counter a magic enhanced Altem Acabrius' range with Darkness ;)
6 movement, 6 range and no doubletiming is no fun
I don't see why downpour will ruin his day, skydancer will have to be on the ground to do a charge/Mcharge effect against most critters. I think the domains are fine, the code for orcs makes sense, darkness is less main stream than storm gale, and cold snap takes care of a new deadly army type. If I was playing this army the only thing I would change is darkness, swap it for inferno, the same effect with added pain and clear skies can't cancel it. otherwise I think vapor has build another solid army.
I feel its okay, I am not sure about the decision on the 3 healers (eagle shaman, Bloodshaman,LE heartdrinker) I would say to remove the redudant blood shaman and put in a heavyer hitting orc, like a violator or somthing, since it is orc pure, i cant help ya out much, but for straight orcs it is nice. I might also trade the javilin out for something else, i dont care much for that relic. I might instead get a sawtooth on the LE heartdrinker, its damage is low but with saw tooth his attack can be fairly high, so they cant just send over a cheap harraser to take him out. Treefell is a good option too.
Greevil, the * eagle shaman is not really a healer, he has the bonus of the heal SA but thats it, I would not count on much healing from him by the time he gets it. The blood shaman is a good idea because he will be mostly healing the other figuers, and that lets the eagle shaman and heartdrinker do their jobs, which is killing. If the blood shaman is killed, then the you can "fall back" on the bonus healing of heartdrinker, and maybe (ugh) the eagle shaman (don't get me wrong I like the * version). Vapor go to ebay, you can buy inferno for like a $1.00 or less (maybe), just watch out for $3.00 shipping (lame).