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First of all, let me sat that those of you expecting the normal Broken Tusk horde or Rava in general are in for a big surprise. This army, as I have named it, is an Orcish Tank, but before you criticize it, take a look. The whole idea came from a want to put counter attack to use. Well here it goes:
Domains would be: Code of the Raiders, Smoke and Fog, and Grasslands or Wylden Forest
This follows the basic strategy behind a tank army. The Wolfkin and Ub-Khan surround the Thunder Drummer, hopefully benefiting from its defend if not much, but the dodge on the Wolfkin should help them to return some damage from missed attacks, and even if they're hit, lurk can reduce that damage. The Ub-Khan also has that short range that can be used as needed. The Marauder brings up the rear and finishes off with reckless whatever the others attack or counter. Heartdrinker is the healer but also serves as one of my main attackers. The Thunder Drummer is the center of my tank and can grant to and take actions from my of army. The Potion of Dueling on him is insurance against being based and can give him a nice 10 attack with weapon mastery for a turn. However, the Thunder Drummer would need to stay healthy, so Heartdrinker would need to stay close, but if all breaks down late in the game, i may have him pick up Treefell and go to town with Thunder Blow and reckless
For the domains, Code of the Raiders is a risk with the other higher point orcs but may grant terrify to my Thunder Drummer and give everyone that +1 to attack. Smoke and Fog is obviously there to limit range, and Grasslands for the Lurk bonuses, but Wylden forest is another option with the Thunder Drummer's pathfinder.
The Marauder does seem out of place, and I've had suggestions to remove it for 2 Magestone Bracers, but any other comments?
I knew soaring range would be a problem, so here is another version with some cavalry ranged support and some MC/C.
Doombrother 69
Heartdrinker 44
w/ Magestone Bracers 10
*** Orc Wolfkin x2 76
*** Eagle Shaman 48
on Mountain Warbird 53
300 even link here
The only problems I have here are the loss of the **Ub-Khan, lower attacks, the need to deal a click of damage to the Shaman to gain Mage Blast, and the fact that I and most others don't have Doombrother.
So a couple of variations would be to change the mountain chicken to a desert one and throw Potion of Dueling in, or if you wanted to play with Thunder Drummer, drop the bracers and chicken for a DC Pegasus allowing for some nice soaring cavalry.
@Thunderball3 - why stormfire? Only the target figure would receive full damage and then only Thunder Drummer would take splash due to Lurk. However Magestone Lance, that would be a problem.
Sorry whelp. I've had stormfire on the brain because I've been thinking of armies for my Wylden Host-Leader. Just ignore that comment, I must have been out of it.
So basically, what you got there is a remake of teh WKura tank... Ok, it's not axectly as strong, but it's quite close. there, you got 1 big hitter, and plenty of good secondary fighters along with some auto-damage, and auto-damage resistance.
The main strategy here is to move your army as one big unit (will take 2 actions) by keepng everyone in base contact with Doombro until you get within striking range of your opponent. At that point, you can split your formation apart to either take on multiple targets or focus on a single one.