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The apocalypse is in a storyline event, but I can't come up with a good army for this event. It seems like the scenario is completely rigged. First, they can't use sub-faction abilities which means no revenant, no lurk, no imperial legion, and no reckless. If i'm reading it right they can't use faction specific relics either, since they are all now apocalypse instead of their normal faction(which means no bonestaff, the only way they could get revenant). To top it all off they pretty much have to kill off all of the enemy figures to win! The bonus they get is pretty nice, but the inability to use revenant alone overcomes the bonus they get. Normally i'd use magespawn for this but nearly all my good magespawn are now retired. I'm pretty much left with a couple ram warriors, a ***Vengeful Ghost, Slobber, and Marrow.
I just can't think of what to use for this!
Can someone help me come up with an idea?
You have to use killing machines. Also you need to know that you'll probably be dealing with soaring units, so a soaring unit yourself or a good ranged piece is a must. Chroma comes to mind, as does Caldera. Things with sweep would also be excellent given how easy it is to fill up the requirement of five warriors using a mount and warrior from the EF.
I believe there's a debate going on right now on the wizkids board whether or not summon even works because of the question of when figures take the identity of the apocalypse faction(thus making magespawn not magespawn).
Use cheap things with good attack and weapon master. *Deathsingers are nice and Vengeful ghosts are kool. Use AT LEAST two figures that can DT for free to contest the middle obj so they can't seal it. Take GolemKiller and snows fuser rifle for more fun. 3 damage with point blank from 24 inches is pretty good or 2 from 48 with pierce. A leadership figure would do wonders as well. You could kill just about anything in a few turns or atleast cripple it for your other troops to get in there and finish them off. Apocalypse is where all the really good players should be. This presents a tactics challenge that is unbelievably tough.
I think that is a pretty solid APOC army.
only one healer though so keep her safe. GK should shoot ANYPathfinder figures on the other side of the bored to deal some major damage to them. DeathSingers and sorc move together(not a form) the Cloud warriors take out ANYTHING in the air and come down for some healing.
Domains to take(just in case you can use them)
Clear skies.
Wylden forest (if im not mistaken the Sorc has PAthfinder and your APOC now so no worries.)
I hope that helped those who have read this. This is not my army btw I'm playing for Ef/BPR cuz im not a very good player. I am a good tactician just not a good player. (i foget to use abilities lol)
Originally posted by Killbot 900 Use cheap things with good attack and weapon master. *Deathsingers are nice and Vengeful ghosts are kool. Use AT LEAST two figures that can DT for free to contest the middle obj so they can't seal it. Take GolemKiller and snows fuser rifle for more fun. 3 damage with point blank from 24 inches is pretty good or 2 from 48 with pierce. A leadership figure would do wonders as well. You could kill just about anything in a few turns or atleast cripple it for your other troops to get in there and finish them off. Apocalypse is where all the really good players should be. This presents a tactics challenge that is unbelievably tough.
I don't think you can use Snow's rifle because it requires BPR. All my figures are apocalypse instead of whatever faction they are so I wouldn't have any BPR figures to equip snow's rifle on, just apocalypse figures.
Blast! I forgot about the BPR req on the Rifle. Instead of GK and BPR gun how about...sytha and storm maul? It comes out to about the same price i think (i don't know I haven't looked at the points values on alot of stuff im just estimating lol) Or if you dont wanna be cheesey you could always use Ironwolf On the Chocobo. I'm playing BPR so me and orcs(#2 in the state) can get a rematch! (I beat him in the only game we fought easch other lol I took an objective he didn't. I would have killed his stuff though) Anyway...building a good APOC army will be tough. I wanted to play apoc but I don't have enough figures with weaponmaster. Drop GK and Gun for Khan Rava if you need a big ranged threat. A cavarly unit might be a good idea. I don't know I hope I helped...
I have designed many armies for this tournament out of my figures, and have come up with a couple of conclusions.
Fisrt off, in this scenario you pretty much get to out what ever armies you want together, and they become Apoclypse, so why not use a swarm?
Second, Small armies with versitallity are very useful, there are many of these, just like swarms.
Third the EF/BPR team won't be able to 'seal' objectives if you cover them, or if you kill them.
Taking these things into mind, along with much more, I have devised a few armies that can do fairly well.
My first army takes the aspect of one big versitall figure with a mini swarm of auto-damage warriors and cheap harrassers.
Master Cyrus
w/ Tome of Shadows
w/ Bracers of the Giant
(2) * Harka Orcs
* Ram Warrior
** Ram Warrior
*** Stinging Skeleton
** Squalid Gremlin
** Poisonous Salamander
This is exactly 300 points. Now I know alot of people will laught at this, but I don't have any Summon figures, and Cyrus is the only figure have have with the :wand: attack that is unique and not a rider. Basically here's one of the plans I have for this army. have Cyrus and the Orcs move together, then when Cyrus switches places with an opposing figure, that figure now has two Harkas to deal with, which most likely won't be to fun for it. To make it even better move some of the Venom figures with the Orcs, that's always fun to watch. Then where ever Cyrus gets put, any figures around him have to deal with a Stormfire, 12 range, 3 range damage, 4 regular damage, Crushing Blow mage, now that's nasty. Then your Ram Warriors can Ram into opposing figures, break and do it again. The other Venom warriors can go and tie people up, dealing damage while waiting for Cyrus or the Orcs to kill the other figure.
I have come up with a few more, i'll post them later.
I was thinking on a army for apoc and I came up with this
Altem Acarbrius w/ Bracer's of the Archer - 63
3 x * Phooka - 54
Splinter - 38
Sham-Rin lv 5 - 57
Khurga - 39
that leaves 49 points for harrasers which can be 2 * Zombie Centaurs The whole basis is to rain pogs on the opponents guys, at 24 inches he can token the center objective repeatedly (leadership). The defend allows for a higher defense and Sham-Rin can move the formation at 12 inches, which allows for fast set ups on the close objective. Sham also has a 4 damage sweep which can help taking out GF and LI figs. For the budget minded Altem Acarbrius can be dropped for a *** Mortar Altem and the 24 spare points turned into another * Zombie Centaur. This should do preatty well.
Army type two is one based around very few figures. My original plan for it was to use Scorch with the Tome of Shadows, then I saw how Scorch can't wield it because it says Riders can't weild it. This through my whole army away. So I modifyed it into something a little different. I Put Zeph in with Ranger's Plate, Nok with Karrudan's Bow, Scorch on EL Battle Horse with Bracers of the Giant.
The Comprehensive (sp?) rules for tournaments say you can't use domains unless the scenario states you can. Jag-Freak's army is near what I had planned for army type three, swarm armies.
I was rethinking my army. I'm not sure if I need a whole lot of Crushing Blow. I'm trying to think of what else I can swarm with, but I don't have much.
Good types of figures for Swarm armies in this Scenario are:
Auto-damage armies: Such as Ram, and Venom
Cheap harassers: Orcs, and Mage Spawn, High Elven Warriors
Effective cheap range peices: H.E.Archers, Freeholder Warriors
These are great with a cheap low point cost :wand: attack unique with Tome of Shadows.
OK, I think i've decided on an army... this is assuming i'll be able to use summon.
***Flame Priestess 38
EF Sky Dragon 72
***Vengeful Ghost
Formation 1:
***Scalesword Spectar
Stoneheart with Potion of Dueling and Scroll of Invoc 46
Kolt with PoD and SoI 46
*Ram Warrior 12
**Faith Healer 20
Now that i'm typing this I just realized that the faith healer is retired. Not only that, BUT EVERY SINGLE HEALER UNDER 20 POINTS THAT DOESN'T HAVE FLIGHT IS RETIRED!!!!!! arrrrrgggggghhhh!!! I can either use a CP and have it not move in formation or toss the healer and use Vitrus or Marrow instead of the Ram Warrior. Which do you think would be better?
Anyway, in this army I have the lady on the dragon to kill other soarers and to provide ranged support. The Vengeful ghost is just a good fighter that can be summoned back. The Scalesword Spectar is another good fighter that can forced march my formation and be summoned back. The Ram Warrior is mainly just a filler piece but ram is useful. Stoneheart and Kolt are my main fighters, with their PoDs they can up their attack for an attack so they can hit a high defense guy. The scrolls of invoc let me summon my magespawn back.
What do you think?