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Khan Rava sits and bounds, if some threats come close Vextha charges. Pretty simple. Tested it aainst as tazia chroma army and it won... I don't know but its really fun to play, expecially when Vextha gets into bound :)
Even though it has been changed a little watch out for Zeph with Spirit Armor. I say this because he can double-time to the center objective, then if you kill him, you loose either Rava or Vextha, most likely Vextha. That woul be because a lot of cheap fast harassers like Zombie Centaurs could dismantle this army easily, or a lot of Reckless Orcs.
Actually, I wouldn't worry that much about Zeph/Spirit armor since it would be pretty easy to ignore him until the end of the game and only focus on the other figs.
However, it's true that this army will suffer a huge lot against harassers like Zombie Centaurs or other little pests.
PErsonally, I'd steer clear fo such an army, but thats just me.