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Pure Faction, ladies in skimpy clothes included :)
Tazia on indepenent pegasus w/ silvercloud
Kolt w/rangers plate
3***zombie centaur (formation)
total 300
kinda small for my liking but we shall see.
smoke and fog-6" range minimum fine with me, tazia=6 also cancels storm gale.
Darkness-6" rang mimimum
Clear Skies-cancels storm gale, or rain and mud that sorta thing
The plan is
tazia soars and w/silvercloud none r likely to soar with her. Chroma, Caldera, whatever u guys will get +2 damage twice thats 8 w/ pierce. Veratrix=big problem ill talk about him later
the centaurs can move 16 in formation and have a 8"charge they serve as the ground troop killing/harrasing. Kolt will lead them (not in same formation cuz that would slow their movement. He will use ghostform untill he gets into combat then switch over to parry.
Veratrix problem, semi solution=tazia at ground, if he flies fine ill avoid his range, if he comes down i will attempt to gang up on him. Not much of a solution but w/e.
spirit armor-targeting tazia im assuming. simple avoid it or weaken it but dont kill it. then at the end finish it off if needed.
Amazon, I think the problem is not with your army, but with the direction that the MK and therefore the Realms is going. Today there are just so may variables, ways to shut down armies, combos, new SA's, domains, relics, items that reviewing an army is very challenging. As an example I could say .... "what about someone who plays Mountain Pass". This nerfs your ZC's. This is just one example.
I'm not saying or even hinting that the new MK hasn't increased the army construction options and brought more variability to the game, it's just that it's become more challenging to rate an army without identify a long list of things that can nerf or neuter it.
I like the army. A soaring figure with Silvercloud is a nice touch. A strategy for dealing with Varatrix would be to use the ZC's for shake-off damage. Eventually you should be able to wear him down enough that he won't be a major threat, can be surged or even make him lose Ghostform. The only change I would consider is another soaring figure to tie things up or a healer. Tazia's 6 range is tough. Good domain choices, though! :)
I like the core of the army, but I'm not too ahppy aobut the relics on your 2 uniques... Personall,y I find Tazia interresting, but not that strong without K-Bow. As for Ranger's Plate, well I don't know, it's nice, but I'm pretty sure there are better options out there.
The army looks fine, but my concern in with your domain selection. First off, Darkness is not an effective domain for this army, simply due to the fact that it cancels DT, which is the Zombie Centaurs' strength. Inferno or Cold Snap are both domains that accomplish the range reduction to 6", but are without the penalty.
Secondly, when Tazia is your only ranged unit, I wouldn't be considered much about someone playing Storm Gale. Especially since Tazia is still a strong fighter in close combat. It atleast doesn't warrant the use of two counter domains. Drop one of them, and put an Open Terrain in its place. Terrain domains such as Mountain Pass and Wyldann Forest will be much more damaging to your army than Storm Gale.
ok good point on darkness but cold snap is just if someobdy uses a participation smoke and fog, open terrain, and i would play inferno but i dont ahve it. so i gotta look for a new 3rd domain. rangers plate is great on kolt gives him 17 defence with ghost form tell he gets up close then he uses parry.
i like tazia. if you could find a way to put spirit armor in it would up her range. or if your not worried about mb/b try blackgaurd on skydance 100pts even with mc/c.
You could trample over Trix or mc him. after he take six clix he loses GF. Then you can MB around. OR if you are worried about him gettin healed stay in B2B with him and finish him. Or after he takes to the skies play a cat n mouse game. make him come to your centaurs. Charge him with 2 centaurs and tazia. 10 damage to him. then let Tazia kill him. Important thing about Trixie....make him come to you. You're not playing a players figures you are playing the player. Get in his/her head and figure out what makes them tick....once you know that you can predict what they are going to do. Hopefully that helped a bit.