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Ok so the Amazon Scout DTs to center to hopefully seal the objective on turn 3. the ZC goes to the objective nearest me and seals that one. The pain wraith revenants anything that i kill while running away, the cavalry can MB for stormfire and MC/C and gains leadership later in the Priest's dial. The WHL is there for healing and blasting away at enemies, and the Smasher is there because he has a deep dial and can regenerate, and can also sweep people for 4 damage. Does anyone know for sure if you can use domains or not in this scenario? Any feedback is welcome!
That looks like a well rounded army to me. I do prefer the sky dragon with "Thunder Blow" the one with charge just because he has the ability to kill a piece outright with one move. Also, I really like the *** Dragon Priest with his magic healing with two arrows. That combo gives him a effective 22 inch range while being able to heal two separate targets. That's going to keep people alive. The two can also pack a punch in close combat. I'm glad to see someone using the Pain Wraith. Cool sculpt and it sure is nice to be able to use your opponents pieces after they fall even if it's only for one turn.
I don't think he needs the EF sky dragon for the scenario. I may be wrong. The mounted unit takes on the faction of the rider. Anyways, there are pros and cons to the mc/c vs thunder blow combination. Mc/c will generally give you a better chance of success because the rider will have an attack anywhere from 10 to 12 and the mount has a 10 attack. However, the most damage that the dragon will do is 3 and then the rider will do 3 or 4. Add that together and you get a total damage of 6-7. A single thunder blow piece like that of the sky dragon will have it's first attack at 10 for 3 damage then it's next attack at 9 for 4 and then 8 for 5. That should take out even the toughest pieces that go deep into the dial. If you are trying to use the mounted unit to go after uniques with high defenses then the mc/c is probably better, but if you are using it as a support piece/healer then the thunder blow is better in my opinion. And, while most of the riders pack a punch in hand to hand, they are glass-jawed. They die relatively easily. Thunder blow is one of my favorite abilities in the game because it can kill any single piece in one turn with a good set of rolls. Usually, because you are doing damage to a piece, the roll you need to make becomes easier each time because the defense is going down as well.
Originally posted by kris_kapsner Also, I really like the *** Dragon Priest with his magic healing with two arrows. That combo gives him a effective 22 inch range while being able to heal two separate targets.
MK 2.0 made it so you cannot heal 2 targets anymore. Magic healing only works for a single friendly figure.
I'll check the rules again but I am sure that you can continue attacking as long as you hit. This decreases your attack score by 1 each time and increases the damage by 1 each time.
Also, I am sure that I read in the dark riders rule book that a mounted cavalry unit gains the faction of the rider.
I didn't realize that two arrows couldn't be used to heal. I will look into that as well. This one I'm not as sure of as the previous two.
If I am wrong on any of these accounts, I thank you for correcting me.
Thunderblow: Make an attack, use your attack and damage values, then you can continue making attacks with 1 less attack, and deal 1 more damage. example:
I hit you with my sky dragon 10 attack for 3 damage, i can thunderblow 9 attack to increase that damage to 4, i only deal 4 damage, not 7. the mount gains teh faction of the rider for formation purposes, for required warrior purposes (5 BPR/EF figures) the mounts faction is used to determine if it is a warrior. thanks for all of the input guys!
thunderblow is subject to the Rule of 3. the Draconum dragon can only deal a max of 6dmg, whereas an EF dragon carrying a weak honorguard can deal 7dmg... how about nepherea pike wielding a rage hammer on that EF beast? of course without a rider the Draconum dragon has the higher damage potential, but through surging...
Braden is right, mounts NEVER gain their rider's faction. it's just that you can create cavalry formations with riders from the same faction on mounts with diffrent factions. mounts always keep their faction.
ArcaneZkl, the scout alone cannot seal the center obj... she'll either die or be demoed by turn 2, or the center obj can be contested at the end of turn 2. expect some wild skirmishes within the central area of this scenario... good luck and have fun!
Originally posted by ArcaneZkl the cavalry can MB for stormfire and MC/C and gains leadership later in the Priest's dial.
sorry to bust up your army but if you read the FAQ it states
that the * Dragon Priest gets magic confusion not leadership
later into his dial(printing error)
besides I dont think they have or will make a figure with
leadership for only 28pts....