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Next faction up on my list is the Atlantaen Empire. I'll be quite frank; they suck right now. They are a mere shadow of Atlantis Guild's shadow. They have some decent uniques, but it is non-uniques that make a faction.
Anyway I tired to build towards "strenghts," Golems and Bombardment. Here's what I came up with:
x2 Magestone Golem*- 48pts. each
Infantry Golem*- 21pts.
Magus Tivon- 57pts.
Techocat (melee)- 60pts.
Altem Acarubis- 45pts.
Bracers of the Archer- 18pts.
Terrain: x2 Curtain Walls, x1 Deep Water, x1 Hindering
Clear Skies:
Each and every figure in my army has range. Though I can survive without it, it takes away my long strike capabilities, and renders Altem Acarubis useless.
Telza's Avatar:
Boosts the strength of the army tremendously. The +1 to damage and ranged damage works wonders on Altem Acarubis, completely nullifying his main weakness. The Magestone Golems quickly become threats at both close combat and range. Magus Tivon dish out pain in both areas as well, and can also Tinker for 4 clicks.
Slows down opposing forces so that I can land more hits as they advance, while bringing down any aerial threats.
Basically the Golems move up the battlefield slowly, with Magus Tivon behind them for a bit of ranged support. They place themselves in striking range of the center objective, usually with a curtain wall protecting one of their sides. Tivon can use his Mount Bound/Overwatch trick to draw some blood, but remain behind his Golems for protection. It also allows him to easily Tinker the Golems, while they keep figures out of his rear arc. Tivon focuses mainly on the heavy hitter, while the Golems take out secondary threats.
Altem Acarubis rains down bombs the whole match. He allows me to start dishing out damage as early as turn two; most likely never leaving the starting area. I can lay down an Overwatch token first turn, then launch my pogs when the enemy comes within 24" (BTW what happens when I use Overwatch to attack twice on the same turn with Bombardment? Do I put down 4 pogs?). He focuses mainly on support pieces, or large clumps of figures if the oppertunity arises. Altem Acarubis is the best Bombardment figure in my opinion. He has a high attack with two targets and good range, while being cheap enough to fit in most armies. His bane of course is his 1 damage value, but that still is good enough for his role. Plus he makes up for it with his accuracy; he needs only a 7 to hit his pog. Plus his drift distance is only 1", and it almost always drifts away from you.
I like your army, but I think you forgot some of the other AE goodies. One formation I found works well for AE is run a * Magestone Golem w/ 2 *** Mortar Altems, they can pog and they can also fire in formation with the Magestone Golem to booste his damage by +2, which works wonders. Though for a pure fun outlook, its nice. One thing you might want to try for pure AE is
Mount Pure
Tivon w/ Melee cat w/ - 117
Ironwolf w/ AE stag - 97
4 ** Empire Vets - 76
Magestone Bracers on your figure choice - 10
total: 300
MoBound, Charge/MoCharge, and gangup oh my its all here and very much a threat, 6 units with cruishingblow can put a hurting on a lot of things.
now the "Angry Angry Prieskans" version
Ironwolf w/ Mountain WarChicken and Rage Hammer and Potion of Vitality - 160
4 x *** Prieskan Warriros - 140
300 even, all I can say is "Beware the prieskans" This army packs downpour to kill those soarers and either stormgale and Smoke and Fog....oh and Tezla's Avatar.....12 damage on 1 unit....