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I think the Throne Monk would be a better idea, to save some points. I played the Monk with those two Items and it rocked.
Using the Throne Monk allows for an extra 25 points, perhaps a Zombie Centaur. Add in Revenant, some more Centaurs and here's what I think might work for you:
it might be that no one is posting there nationals armies cuz if everyone knew what everyone was playing then every one would know what kind of counter armies to bring instead...
Originally posted by Specter2001 I think the Throne Monk would be a better idea, to save some points. I played the Monk with those two Items and it rocked.
Using the Throne Monk allows for an extra 25 points, perhaps a Zombie Centaur. Add in Revenant, some more Centaurs and here's what I think might work for you:
it sounds like an awsome army but you cant use peices that arent available to the players yet and throne monk isnt available until july so you cant use it in a santioned tournament yet
My friend won a Throne Monk at the Canadian it was released to him and to the guy who won Fellowship. It wasn't part of an Envoy reward, so it's all nice and legal. I just traded for that Throne Monk.
Well today I played chroma with Monkblade and Magestone bracers and it worked out extremely well. The combo is 159 pts...but you get a figure with 22 defense that counterattack/sweeps, get's a -6 to opponents attack versus wand (before rule of 3 kicks in), and parry against any bow attacks!
and btw, you can use any le as soon as you get it, you just cant sell any figure until it has been released to the general public ( like every DR le was released at the canadian nationals)
I have a feeling you will see many Throne Monks and Chromas at Nats, since both are insanely efficient pieces, however, with CP's as the most likely healers, any Storm Maul army will totally wreck any Chroma or Throne Monk army.
If I were going to Nats, and since I'm not, I'll share this, I would...
I'd have a figure with Inferno for sure (auto-damage rules) Magestone Bracers, possibly Rage Hammer (to nerf Command and Leadership) to stop Storm Maul and BoL engines...
also, in serious comp, I never like to lose "automatically" so I'd have no Range (except a rider whose range was secondary to my purposes) in my army, since in 6-8 Rounds you could easily face a few Storm Gales, and lose if your army is range-based
I think a good surprise type army would be a good Storm Maul army, since Domains don't affect it, and can only help it, though it is vulnerable - but I think in big tourneys lots of peopel ar afraid not to use their "big guns" so the armies can be predictable. Use a balanced army that can beat the armies you know people will bring...
also, don't be afraid to have a group of weenie figs, it can be the difference if you face a big nasty with a Blade of Dominance and you have to spread out and run and claim objectives and hide...
JgKlaw's quote: I think a good surprise type army would be a good Storm Maul army
Are you kidding? I bet Storm maul armies will be everywhere at nats. This being said, you can build a well rounded army that will be able to take down a storm maul army. Rage hammer is a must to cut off leadership! Also, you must think about the 3 dimensions in this game and be prepared for each. That is, water, land, and skies!
Im not going either :( no money anyways Id play alot of tougness and maybe some invuln, reducing damge is oh so sweet. My unique would likely weild Inferno as well if capable.
chroma loves storm maul or better yet storm maul loves hitting him, everyone has different views on whats going to be played and there is no way a single army will have what it takes to overcome every possible army type with the domains in the picture. the best thing to do is make an army that you think will be able to take a great deal of armies down, and btw chroma os good with inferno, no bow type attacks can hit him and he has pushing venom.
yeah, storm maul armies are going to be everywhere; bring it on.. the only figure i fear with maul is relaphon.. and in any case i'll go ***ub khan on his rear
try to squeeze in 2 figures that pose a threat- or something that would make people want to target it instead of your beasty fig, which im sure will involve along the lines of chroma/thronmonk/possessed draconum and the likes