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I was going to PM you, but since you posted a thread, I'll comment here to keep everything in one place.
Overall, this looks pretty decent. I'm not a big fan of Skittish mounts, but for this army build, Skydancer is probably worth it. If you can keep Tymora from getting Overwhelmed, you can do some serious MC/C damage - 8 clicks with crushing blow (both attacks by Skydancer ), or 4 from Tymora and 4 from Skydancer w/CB.
There are a few changes I would make. First, I would drop the **Amazon Scout for a *Amazon Scout. The *Scout is faster (10" move compared to 8") and with the bonus from the Crown, has decent stats, especially for 17 points. This leaves you with 8 points, which I would put into a Cloak of Shadow for Golemkiller. This gets her speed back up to 8 plus Stealth. I would use this in conjunction with big pieces of hindering terrain (used to provide open alleys for Snows) and if my opponent had any type of ranged threat, I would formation move GK, Kyma, and the socut to the hindering (using the Scouts Pathfinder, and once GK was safely hidden in the trees, set Kyma loose to cause chaos.
The other thing you will run into here is that Kyma will become capture bait, and the only way to keep that from happening is to keep Tymora nearby, which is bad if the K-Bow goes off. 4 clicks from the K-Bow, puts her on her last useful click, and Skydancer loses a lot after 2 clicks of damage.
Last, your domains. Storm Gale hurts you bad, and is generally found in over half of the Domain hands out there. I've played in 3 round tournaments where I've had the Gale dropped on me 3 times. You should really consider swapping the Open Terrain for a Smoke and Fog. Smoke and Fog does not hurt this army at all. Kyma only has an 8" range and the *Amazon scout has a 6" range. Additionally, as it currently stands, replacement values from Relics override replacement values from Domains, so GK is still shooting 48", so no hurt there.