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2 words, Storm Gale. All of your range is worthless. If someone doesn't want to take the risk of using it becuae of clear skies, then use Inferno, it limits all range to six, then most of your range isn't any more than 14. Oh no, not fourteen range.
There is a relic called Storm Maul into my army with wich is only possible give Wand ranged combat action for 1 turn.
I can surge with my surgible warrior for 2 consecutive turns
without running any risks.
It can also be used to make 2 damage to an opposing warrior.
If I had clear skies I 'll use it to cancel Storm Gale.
If someone used the Inferno catastrofe Bound special
ability will add range to that 6" limited range.
In this case there won' t be any opposing warrior without
magic immunity that will be safe from my 8 damage without any attock roll(2 Dam for Storm Maul and 6 Dam powered
by Demi-Magus of the Book of lightning).
Then, what we can ask for?
yes, you seem to have this decently planned out, but i agree with gorger, since your army is veeerrrryyyy vulnerable to storm gale. clear skies cancels storm gale and so does smoke and fog, but that would hurt your army as well. if someone uses inferno then you are screwed unless you pack a faith domain (which cancels it). if your opponents have both storm gale and inferno, then you are in a tight spot. you might want to consider swapping out some fange for some more melee attackers. *** ub-khans are beasts in conquest (of course theyre beats anyway). i also noticed that you don't have any revenant. you may not require it for your army, but i would pack some just to assure that your opponents can't use your figs against you. just some thoughts.
oh, and PS. even with your bound you will only have a fourteen effective range with rava, a sixteen effective with vithzerai (i think he has 10 speed) and a 12 effective with the amazon. you will then be within six inches of all opposing figures you wished to attack, wich makes you easy to base and tie up, giving you only one shot with your beatsly bounders. also, your limited effective range means one good doubletimer can tie you up (the average double time speed is 16). so think about that for a minute before using this army. i woud suggest some decent support nons rather than miracle uniques. the amazon drac will get eaten alive by opposing ravas, and so will the striker (as pierce ignores both their abilities), so you might consider switching them out for more workable close combat support.
It would be amusing to see what say Drakor/Caldera/Chroma would do to that army with the Sunsword. Also the relic Inferno would cause rather nasty problems.
My advice would be stick someone in there with the Book of the Stormcrow and use clear skies as your first domain. At least that way if someone doesn't pull Storm Gale on you, you can switch to something slightly more useful (that and the bonuses from the book are handy...)
Well I look at this army, and the only wielders for Storm Maul and BoL are Trix and Vith, and while this makes it hard to put either engine out of commission, to me, it's a waste because Trix and Vith could easily do just as much damage without the relics. With that said, I'd drop the Amazon Drac. and Solo Striker for a cheaper BoL wielder like Anunub, a cheap :sword: unique/LE, ande some leadershp pieces to allow you to use both engines every turn. Then I'd go for more melee because just 2 pieces is a bad idea. What would you do if they tie down your archers with harrassment and close the distance between you?
Don't make me laugh. This is not an invinsible army, far from one at that. You depend to much on range, which is taken out easily by Domains. Many relics out their and itms with certain figures will desimate this army, especialy in 1200 points.
Also, for the record, BoL cannot be enhanced. At all. Damage cannot be changed. Amusingly, your choice for 'archers' are just a bunch of bounders, and you seem to have totally disregarded the value of static range.
Ub-khans are a good choice for head to head, but the lack of variety will spell your doom. Trix is not a holding piece, he's a smashing piece. These two will die quickly.
Healers: why? you seem to be wanting to run willy nilly around everywhere, and I doubt you'll ever be able to actualy save any of your pieces, since when they need healing, they'll probably be tied up and not able to get to the healer.
Demi-magus(magi?): Almost totally worthless in this army. I'm assuming this is for some sort of unrestricted tournement, because half of your army is illegal to begin with. And these guys will rarely get a chance to help. if you're bounding into base contact with these guys, you're going to be less mobile then I think you want. Also, BoL can't be enhanced, period. you're stuck at 3 damage. Speaking of which, you DO have to make an attack roll, its not an auto 3 clicks of damage. Also, you take that damage if you miss.
I dont' know what you're trying to do. You only have two relic capable people, and you're wasting points with them. When you give Trix the Maul, and Vizth the BoL, you're down an 'archer', and your melee threat now consists of an Ub-khan. Not going to do it in 1200 points. You should get better relic holders.
I don't get your comments. I know that there is the whole domain issue, and canncelling, and whatnot. The rest I don't get. You realise that surging twice consequtively will end up with 3 clicks of damage on your figures, right? Also, using storm Maul to nurf non-wand ranged attacks will be shooting yourself in the foot with all your 'archers' unable to fire.
And don't forget, your opponent will have 1200 points to work with as well, I think this army build needs a lot of work.
Last side note: If this isn't conquest, you're overfigged for the number of actions you have. A swarm army will decimate you. If it is conquest, it seems like a poor idea to dedicate 2 of 3 actions to relic attacks, you could get outflanked quickly.