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-Crox on DC Pegasus with Sunfire jav
-* Pain Wraith
-* Zombie Centaur
-* Harka
-* Harka
-* Marauder
-* Marauder
-* Marauder
- *** Maruader
- *** Marauder
(I have my 3 DC units...pain wraith, centaur and the pegasus).
This team gives me a heavy hitter (crox) that can eliminate any soaring threats, and can also soften up swarms/formations by tossing his javelin.
The pain wraith allows me to bring back the dead to dish out more pain. While the centaur allows me to close in on a big threat. The * maraduers act as harassers and gang up fodder, with a surprise click of 3 damage 8 attack at the end of their dial! The * Harkas and *** marauders are my basic reckless foot soldiers.
The harkas and marauders make up 2 identical formations except one will have an additional * marauder. Everything else is a loner.
Well of course KotF throw in Orcs! It is's our raiding season! Since WK won't give us storyline events (we've only really had Food and Grog so far) I make up my own stories!
In this particular battle...Podo has made himself a Pain wraith disguise with a wooden mask and bloody sheet.'s not the most effective of costumes, but Elves aren't smart like orcs! They too busy looking in the mirror at their pretty hair and shiny armor, that they won't notice the pain wraith is podo. The centaur is nothing more than a pair of orcs wrapped in the skin of an orcish warhorse that the warband ate the other night. The poor soul in the front of the centaur was unfortunately beaten severly by the rest of the raiding party and then covered with flour to make the centaur disguise look more authentic....and well...Crox was bored that night.
Now i know what you are is Podo revenanting fallen warriors...the answer is simple...HE IS PODO DON"T QUESTION HIS POWER OR YOU WILL FEEL HIS WRATH! the Orcs are going to go kill some Elves because...well...they ate their horses already and they are hungry and you's something to do...
SM and BoL probably will give me trouble...but I still think I can give it a run for its money. They would probably hit crox first. Crox could still probably release the javelin before he falls. After that I'd geuss pain wraith is the time those two figs are out of the orcs/centuar would be on their side of the board...and I doubt that type of army can handle an orc swarm up close and possible.
Best case scenario for my opponent, they have BoL and make the token removing every turn, and land the attack every turn. Takes 3 turns to finish crox, and another 2 for the pain wraith. That is 5 turns for my centaur and orcs to close in on them by then I'm not so certain the BoL could hold that off. With SM and same conditions it is 3 turns to kill the pain wraith and 5 to kill Crox. Either one of those armies would need to bring some serious support to hold off my horde.
Yeah...those two types of armies are a pain...but I think I could handle them, depending on what else they are packing.
i dont know about BOL, but storm maul shouldnt be too difficult, since it is a tad on the expensive side. there will not be a whole lot of stupport for it, so your harkas and *** marauders should overrun it quite easily. as for BOL, it is a ranged attack. therefore, it can be tied up by your zombie centaur and your * marauders by doubletimeing. i think it is a decent army, and even if you lose crox to one of these strategies, the pegasus can still attack.
ps. i give you props for an orc army. longlive the KotF!
Not bad at all. The only thing I'd be certain to look out for is Crox getting Overwhelmed in midair. Also, this isn't a big problem, seeing as Crox is one of the more sturdy riders, but make sure what you have left can overcome whotever they have when(if) Crox dies. i look forward to facing it on Sunday :) .
Thanks for the comments. I won't be at Legends on Sunday though, as I am in Texas for the next month. Unfortunately, my mk stuff is all back in Baltimore though so I will not be able to play in this event at all. Oh well...