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My experiance with vextha and this is, push away, hes got every type of self healing there is, so why not? The shield makes him very dificult to hit with 19 defense and modded dodge. Zeph can leadership for Vextha if he stays in range, or if worst comes to worst, leadership for the CP healing if it has to. You will probably win from kills, but also vexaths mobility could allow for objective harassing. Main threats would be time limit, and basic harassers.
Wylden and grass against the big ranged armies to stop them from Sniping Vextha, Mountain pass to stop big melee armies that can do dammage surging.
its ok. the -2 attack from the shield might seem fine when u have 14 attack with her, but when shes in her bounding stage, the -2 will hurt her. watch out for BoL because rabans shield doesnt affect it
@ zombizzle: I do agree with the -2 attack hurting once you get low, but, in the games iv played/seen this played, vextha has never gotten that low. (and this army still hasnt lost). Why cant you dodge BoL w/ the shield?
@jgklaw: i dont really like bod cuz of what zombizzle said. and, thats a more points, so you loose what little support you ahve. Vextha's problem isn't melee, its ranged. Figs like Rava like to eat him up, but the peirce doesnt stop rabahn's
Relic abilities aren't modifiers... but then again I've been wrong plenty of times before.
Anyway, What's to stop him from just dropping the relic when he needs to start bounding? He can just go pick it up later after he's life drained himself up to happy glee time.
my guess is that an item/relic dropped at soaring level is removed from the game, since you can't put the item/relic in base contact with the wielder while it is soaring... like a rider who gets dismounted at soaring level... correct me if i'm wrong :)
a 19 defense with dodge or better then dodge is quite insane. when vextha eventually picks up the ddoge of his own, they then have a 1/6 of hitting, presuming they roll high enough, and vex has1 token. If no tokens, i goes to somthing like 1/8. the CP can use zephs leadership to heal vex up, because his defense goes down near the end, but he still has all the dodges, one of witch cannot be peirced/Cblowed. i think that vextha is probably the MOST viable fatty because of his high defense, and very high attack with vamparism, life drain, and regen.
Why hasn't anyone mentioned Spirit Armor, a Zeph with Armor all someone has to do is take out your CP and Zeph and you are SOL, while they only loose 78 points