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Kossack when pairred with blackheart dosen't need to roll against almost any creature! He then has a :wing:movement of 8 with Ram/Charge. He also has a 13 attack and his base defense of 17 now becomes 18 with invulnerabibility! AND he is now doing 5 damage all the time (crushing blow) and doesn't even have to roll.
@Akuda i got 2 words for you: capture it. kill the entire army but the spirt armor, then capture and eliminate it. its not hard, and then poof, no more armor to deal with.
@DragonDice: well to start, its kossak :P but thats not the point, kossak has high enough attack to were you really dont need blackheart on him. I would put somthing like Galeshi sunsword, to boost his speed, and attack, or maybe magestone armor (yes, its pricey) but it will boost his speed up to 11, and give him double invuln.
Just curious, are you going to capture with Kossak? do that and eliminate is going to take two turns, I have 200+ points of army to kill the two other pieces, and remember calavary can not be captured, if you are facing a decent harrasser army spending more then 200 points one one fig in 300 point game is risky.
Let's remember folks, that you can still shoot Kossak! That is how I would deal with it. Also, I really don't like Blackheart much as a relic. Kossak has a high enough attack that he is most likely going to smack anything around anyways. Plus, Kossak is slow as all get out. A lot of combos out there would get to Kossak easily.
yeah, blackheart aint too great, but then agian, for killing fattys, neither is spirit armor anymore... and is it just me or does Akuda run into every post talking about spirit armor?
skillt, I just point it out because this is a holding the lines army, I believe, and every elf faction army, that is competative is going to be running a good spirit armor army, I would guess. Spirit armor on Zeph, with HEWs and 4-5 elven archers. using ranged formation and wack Kos for 3-4 clicks, ot just take crusader and the centaur, remember +2 to range looks really nasty when you already have a 14 range, far exceeding Kossak's 8 movement and he can't double time.
He is an beast of a figure, but in this senario I think he will get hosed. We will see tonight though as I am playing holding the lines and will tell you how it goes and what I used.
Ahh yes, my bad mate, I always thought you were just some noob pointing out the auto kill thing :) now that i see your not, and are actually talking good tactics, i am sorry. I took you wrong :)
As others have said, I think the Sunsword is a much better idea for him. Immunity to range (Rava), is way more important than not having to roll your attacks when your attack rating is 13.