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The first army is stronger, but I believe that once Sorcery is out you won't be able to play it in non Unrestricted.
Playing two Cavalry units isn't the best of ideas since it is relatively easy to tie them up, and that would be more then half of your army just breaking away every turn. Though the cavalry are strong, two of them is hard to pull off. If you can get some ranged firepower onto the Sky Dragon you would be much better off since you could just keep it soaring, eliminating this problem.
Do you have a Skydancer? If you do definetly field that and have Blackguard ride him. Keep the sucker soaring, and Mounted Bound away at your opponent. If anything flies up to meet you, MC/Charge them. If you get overwhelmed then Blackguard explodes when he hits the ground. If you don't get overwhelmed, then you kill your opponent's army. There is great synergy with the two working together, and they'd make a great centerpiece for the army.
put blackgaurd on the salamander u know u want to. otherwise the combo sucks :( you cant even fly over terrain and drop, people will just aviod u or shoot u from 14 range.
Those are pretty nice armies. I have a K-Bow Relic, too, but I just can't seem to understand it's use. It seems very powerfull, but I can't attack my own figures--so it would take a while to activate it, plus it seems like no one in their right mind would attack whoever holds it.
It's seems like a waste of points, but I'm sure I'm missing some kind of combo here. Could you tell me how you would make it work?
What? the inferno? what?!? Pushing: when you give a figure another action token on a turn they have an action token (but not the same turn), also :boot: speed figures who doubletime also take pushing damage (running is hard after all).
Sorry--silly me. :o I guess I was thinking that I needed to use something to set-off the K-Bow sooner, but little did I think that it would hurt the weilder with the Inferno. :p
I realize what the standard pushing does, I guess I just thought there wouldn't be enough time in the game to trigger the K-Bow without some form of additional damage to the wielder.
I'm gaining some good knowledge and experience in the game, but I am having trouble understanding things like the K-Bow strategy. Time and play-testing will tell.
Thanks for clearing that up--you were very sweet about it.:)
Something that's good about the K-Bow is that by putting it on a wielder that will make good use of the 4 ranged damage and the +2 attack you will put your opponent in a dilemna.
Does he kill it and make it go boom? Or does he let you shoot him for 4 damage every time? That's why it's a good thing to take advantage of the other bonuses, by putting Blackguard on a Mount.
As for the armies, I would go for the second one, but scrap the river charger and Stag to fit in a Pegasus (Take your pick), as well as a soaring healer/magic healer. You can keep most of your army soaring above, if that's what you want.