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ok, i just got back in the game and was wondering, if we can still use the old figures from before 2.0 in tournys and what not, or are they no longer as good?
In a standard tournament/story line you can use any figure from minions and after. Once sorcery is released Minions will no longer be legal.
In a unrestricted tournament you can use any figure you wish, but you will need the complete 2.0 SA card (10 pages about) you can download from the WK site if you plan to use older figures ina 2.0 setting.
Not necessarily pointless. Some of the pre-2.0 figs became very nasty under the new 2.0 rules (Vampiric Draconum being a particularly vicious example). Any figure from any of the sets up through Sinister has been retired from regular tournament play, but can still be used in unrestricted events or fun games at home with your buddies.
hmm i see, makes sense! kool, so some of the oldies can still be goodies! awsome, what about some of the old goodies like magus and other shizzles, would they still kik awsome 2.0 booty?
Magus is definitely nasty still. He killed my Varatrix wearing the Helm of Rule. By Surging. A 68 point figure took out 194 points of my army. Not too shabby, eh?
He set the bait correctly. I surged with Varatrix. He surged with Magus (the only figure that could hit me, because of the Helm). By some grand fluke, I failed to hit him on the following turn. Maybe I failed a breakaway, I forget exactly. Next turn, he knocked my Varatrix into uselessness with a push.
All 1.0 figures can surge and double-time. Don't forget that. :)