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alright with mounts that have charge, you can do charge charge because of the proficancy that they have... so i can charge and attack... the in the same move charge another fig and attack... does this also apply to a mount with bound... can i use bound then the charge prof in one move i was told by a friend that he didn't think so.. i was jus curious because i have Tazia and if i remember correct she has bound can you use a mounted charge and bound in the same move
Yes, you can use bound and mounted bound once Tazia is on her second click. One way to get her there is to have her dismount and double time, staying in contact with the mount. Re-mount next turn then start using the double bound. By the way, use Tazia's movement rate when you resolve the bound portion of it (not mounted bound).
Originally posted by sxser can you use a mounted charge and bound in the same move
No. Whenever you declare to use Mounted Charge, you can use a special ability to resolve your close combat attack . And since the SA Bound is a ranged combat action, you cannot use MC/Bound. :)