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Does that mean that the figure sitting on the objective token gets invulnerability throughout its dial? That's something like 10 clicks of invul + counterattack?
oh, so it means that the SA doubles itself? I thought that if the fig already had invul or counterattack, placing the relic would just be a waste since the fig had it in the first place already!
Depends on the SA. Some, like Venom or Parry, double up for twice the usual effect. Others, like Ghostform or Crushing Blow, would be pointless since the effect can't be upped.
now i just need to find me a fig from the elementals with the counterattack or parry ability to use with tezla's spirit, but I suppose the invulnerable chitterling might work. or hivemaster
Me, myself, I get an evil smile on my face when I think about Varatrix with the Gatekeeper. And yes, Counter-attack and Inv. are both stackable abilities.