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Ok i was playing one night , cant remember if it was santioned or not atm.... but one of the players MC,C 2 totally different figures.... wouldnt they technically have to break to charge the second fig? which would canse the double charge correct?
nope... with mounted charge/ charge jumping from one fig to another is legal since the point at which the action is given, the charging fig isn't at base with an opponent.
Now if the cavalry fig doing the MC/C was in base contact with an opposing fig at the start of the declaration of the MC/C action... then he wouldn't be able to jump hit another fig.. even if by the first hit he manages to eliminate the opposing fig in front of him.
rule of thumb simply is that if he starts the action MC/C not in base contact with any opponent, then he could execute MC/C to double hit 1 fig or hit 2 seperate figs.