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Lots of Sorcery information from Game Trade Magazine
Picked up the latest game trade magazine from my FLGS (they give it away for nothing). It has the previously mentioned ad for Sorcery, plus an article with a lot of information.
Some highlights:
Some spells have a spell element that pops out of the card and to be placed on the battlefield or on a warrior to show where the effect of the spell is.
Four types of spells:
1) Sorceries - have immediate effect
2) Enchantments - affect a target for as long as the enchantment lasts.
3) Glyphs - create an area of effect centerd on the caster as long as the caster remains in base contact with the glyph.
4) Illusions - temporary environment changes to the battlefield (sort of magical domains)
Spells are stacked beneath the spellbook, with the top spell ready to be cast (bookmarked). Only the controller knows what spell is readied. Once you cast the spell you choose a new spell to be bookmarked.
Order of the Ninth circle - these are the bounty hunters that can create formations with warriors of any factions.
Over a third of the warriors in the set can wield items and relics.
Some coverage of the Counter spell proficiency. The advantage is against the counterspeller, but some spells can augment countering.
The Elemental Freeholds subfaction ability:
Natures Fury - When this warrior is given a close or ranged combat action, roll one six-sided die. If the result is less than or equal to its unmodified damage value, add its attack bonus (if any) to the attack.
thanks for sharing that with us, DBlizzard. this stuff sounds pretty cool.
I hope wizkids will start the sneakpeaks soon. I cant wait to see what kind of uberness these spells are capabe of. Nature's fury looks like it should add some power to the EF. I cant wait to find out what the solonavi subfaction can do.
If Sorcery releases the last week of September we have 14 weeks. Draddog said sneak peeks do not begin until about 9 weeks from release. But, it would be nice to have a few articles on the new gameplay mechanics to hold us over. Plus they could do a figure by faction breakdown, a lot of stuff to hold us over until then.
Originally posted by OrcMike Any pictures or anything? Anymore details you could share?
Only picture is of Pathis, nothing new. Besides, I wouldn't want to delve into copyright issues by copying them and disseminating them without permission.
I think the magazine's webpage used to post the whole issue online. However, looking at the page now, it seems they discontinued that. A shame since it is essentially a promotional magazine put out by a distributor.
Originally posted by Venomous what abt the ninth circle whts it s ability!! ahhh! *dies from impatience* 14 weeks *dies again*
Given that the order of the 9th circle are Mage Spawn (according to the Sorcery by faction article) and somehow can make formations with any faction, I'd have to assume that is the subfaction ability.
Originally posted by DBlizzard Given that the order of the 9th circle are Mage Spawn (according to the Sorcery by faction article) and somehow can make formations with any faction, I'd have to assume that is the subfaction ability.
My guess is: being able to use magic, these Mage Spawn must be more intelligent, and therefore they're able to act on their own and cooperate with others in formation and whatnot.
By the looks of it, I'd say that once a spell is used, it is removed from the game. You could either spend your points on one really powerful spell or divide it up to have a bunch of middle of the road ones. I'd imagine the really powerful ones might be unique (and take up more pages) while more common spells take up less space and might even be able to have two copies of it fit into a spellbook.
Here are a few guesses at what kind of spells would fit in each category:
Sorceries: shoot a ball of flame and deal 1 click to everything w/in a 3" area of effect of the target, heal multiple friendlies of damage all at once (how about Cascade of Light for a name?)
Enchantments: increase a target friendly figure's attack value by +2. Or petrify an opposing warrior so it can't do squat. I'm thinking the enchantments could either last a set number of turns or a d6 could be rolled during the enchanted figure's controller's command phase to see if the spell would be lifted.
Glyphs: all friendly figures w/in a 3" area of effect of the caster get +1 to their defense. Or maybe no surging anyone w/in the area of effect? How about a great venomous cloud that could deal 1 click of damage to anyone who stays in too long?
Illusions: Boom! Instant chasm! If a piece isn't soaring, it gets eliminated. Or turn a water feature into hot magma?
Seeing as there are going to be 90 spells in the set, we'll definately be busy for awhile.
Order of the Ninth Circle looks quite intriguing. They could give bonuses to any faction. Perhaps one of them could have high defense and Defend, so a fortified Dark Crusader formation could be a possibility. I'm not sure what to make of the Nature's Fury subfaction ability. Is it a game of chance to see if the attacker will get to use its built in bonus? Nature can get kinda crazy so it may or may not be on your side? Only time will tell.
This is all very exciting and I can't wait til Sorceries hits the store shelves. I hope WK decides to presell it at GenCon Indy like they did last year w/ Dragon's Gate.
Originally posted by jag-freak I really, really believe that spells are not always a one time thing now...
On the contrary, I've been made to believe that spells are a one time use (or at least a one time cast.....sounds like enchantments can be multiple uses). Either way, its not going to be too long before my impatience kicks in and I can't wait any longer to find out which one of us is correct.
Oh no...I figured there would for sure be some that are a one time use thing, but I'm wondering if some of the lesser spells can be re-used, I know the Arc of Lightning from my poster says you flip it over, so that must mean it can't be re-used...
I don't know, I really think there will be both, but I'm quite eager to find out if there's more re-usables than one-timers.
over 1/3 of all pieces can weild relics/items?! ouch! There go all our old figs from older sets! We might end up playing with only the uniques/LE's from 2.0 and DR just to keep up with those relic/item weilding pcs from Sorcery.