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I was in a tournament recently and my opponent and I both revealed pestilance. what should happen then? our warlord ruled that the effects stack so that we could hit 6 opposing figures for 1 or 3 for 2. is this correct? also, if i use the 2 for three thing, will a figure with toughness take one damage or no damage (i dont know how the abilitys stackso..)thanks-venomous
I'd say 6 for 1 or 3 for 2 is about right. However, each click of damage is from a separate source, so if the target has any damage reduction at all, it will be immune.
I would think that if they both worked, then it would be 2 rounds of 3 figures for 1 damage. Which would included all the various combinations that can be made (6 for 1, 4 for 1 and 1 for 2 ...) But all damage would be dealt 1 at a time so toughness would nerf it in place.