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I have a little question about the storm maul
Can I use storm maul and leadershipp... to make clicks all turns?
Maybe I canīt because the special action must be in the command phase
"At the beginning of your command phase, give the wielder a special action and choose one of the following effects:
Each figure occupying water terrain is dealt 1 damage.
Deal 2 damage to a single opposing figure.
Only WAND ranged combat attacks can be made until the beginning of your next command phase"
A figure with Leadership and no action tokens may take the token of any friendly figure given an action within 10" line of sight. There is no restriction placed on when that action is given. The relevant part of the leadership text just says, 'when an action is given...'. It says nothing about phases.
Just one thing to add, I think that with the new FAQ, you have to rest every 2 turns. So you only can use Maul two turns, rest, more two turns and so on..
This is token removal changed, you can only remove tokens from figs that didn't receive an action. And in the case of the Mauler you gived him an action altough the token shifted to the leadership Fig.
But this will be very tricky if your opponent is not fully aware. In this case people will cheat a lot....