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When you sit down to play Mage Knight, how often do you play a faction pure army? By that, I mean an army where all figures share the same faction symbol (excluding such things as Lord of Apocolypse).
I suppose you can count "Adventuring Company" pure, as long as everyone in the army is part of the cohort.
Hmm...I really don't see AC's as pure faction. In any case, outside of sealed events, let's just say that I can't remember the last time every figure in my army didn't have all the same faction symbols. I'm pretty sure that I could count all the times on my fingers...maybe even need just one hand. :p
And no, I don't put things in my army and say "they owed us a favor" :D But it does get tough to play at a highly competitive level though.
Half to say about 90% of the time, more so now as there are a lot of smaller costing figures for my favorite factions. Of course the orcs just keep getting the little guys! Once in awhile I will throw in a motley crew together for fun or test out some comb. But for any serious play I use faction pure! More challenge that way!
I tend to play faction pure most of the time. Just not always the same faction. I shift back and forth between 3 or 4 of them. Of course if I am going to a tournament and the prize is one I really want (really cool sculpt, really good stats or whatever) I will build an army as strong as I possibly can.
I try ro but it's it's hard to play EL pure in a small format. Easier now with Omens, thank you very much Gabriel Starsdwn and Rivvenguard archers... :D I play orc pure a lot. They're the most well rounded faction I think for playing pure armies. The only thing they lack really is :mi: and maybe get some more :wing: . But other than that they have pretty mcuh everything, and they're the best swarm faction (notice I said FACTION not MS) :D
Almost always, and I use BPR... Yeah, I love a challenge. However, in one tourney, I managed to take out a Solinavi team AND a Draconum team, and they were fielded by good players too. My dice were on my side that night for some reason.
I play faction pure 99% of the time. I have never enjoyed the faction mixed army idea where the skills are the point not the story line or "world" concept. This issue has been discussed many times and the idea of competitiveness is always tossed in as the reason people do not play faction pure. I would love to see an event where faction pure was expected to see if this idea is true. I have always done pretty well playing faction pure but maybe I have not meet up with the best "Cheese" player yet ;)
I also tend to play orcs ( what other race is there:cool: ) but I also enjoy playing EL, Solinovi and KI (old school:D ) I even stoop to playing undead every once in a while.
Any who keep on playing faction pure its the best way IMHO.
I play faction pure almost exclusively since 2.0 came out, I don't even play Orcs ALL the time, I want to use the other pieces in my waaay too big colleciton.
Most guys at our venue play facion-pure these days, it just looks right and feels right. I had a rare loss the other day to an an army that had Chroma, a Forge Mage, Krang, some just looked like a mess (no offense Weedawg, ya got me fair and square!).
Faction pure just looks so nice out there, like a real battle...
Originally posted by frod I play faction pure 99% of the time. I have never enjoyed the faction mixed army idea where the skills are the point not the story line or "world" concept.
You don't like mixed armies where the skills are the point, are you don't like mixed armies because the point isn't storyline or "world concept?"
You do realize the original concept was the various factions coming together in mixed bands under warlords? Look at the original comics that came with the Mage Knight sets. You had necropolis, black powder, atlantean, elemental, etc. all battling together against their foes.
Now, I enjoy faction pure games. However, I can also play a perfectly storyline accurate army and not have two units with same faction in my army.
Not as much as I would like. Almost never in sanctioned tourneys unless it's mandated by the scenario. In these cases I play armies based upon skill balance versus faction.
However, in restricted tourneys I've played faction pure and it's fun. I generally get out my old KI figures and put together several formations. I also like to play faction pure with Orcs.
I think there should be more scenarios requiring faction pure.