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That I know of, only two people in our area have bought the rules pack and the other stuff, and my wife and I "played" a game the other night (she seemed somewhat interested, but not enough to become a more permanent player. Other than that, I'm not sure that it has recived a warm welcome as of yet. What has it been like in your corner of the world?
Well there are at least 3 people here who play. Myself, my husband and a good friend. We are trying to get a good group addicted but it really takes Playtime. If you can get people together and teach them the game then it makes it easier to get them addicted. We have several area venders who carry the product so we have no way of knowing exactly how many have sold. :ermm:
I guess we will get some idea come this weekend with the 2 Marquees. :classic:
Yeah I was the first here were I live to start playing then some other guy, Now he's trying to get his wife to play so I cant win this coming weekend. lol, so we have almost three players.
ok here more then 10 people bought it the problem is every one plays it privat place. No arena play or so because the shops here are not interested in Marquee decoration for an tournement. and for tournements are 2 squads not enoutgh
I agree that two squads is not enough to hold tourneys.
Also thump, I'm sure that if that guy is teaching his wife to play, then your chances of winning the Marquee this weekend, is about as good as a snowball's chance in He.. :P
doing fairly well in my area, a burgouning league starting after marquee, and quite a few people interested/buying/playing (my spending 3 straight days playing in-store helped)
I even got 1 friend who isnt into gaming (she says she just doesnt "get" most games) hooked
We got in only a few packs, but all were sold quickly. *grumble* I had to buy my own stuff since the CS demos never came, yet the people who went to nationals Envoy night got theirs for free!!! *settles down* Anyone who can, hit the envoy forum on WK and sign on for the thread to get our 1500 points returned automatically for the CS demo kit.
ANYWAY... I was having Thursday nights as CS, but our Heroclix judge was playing a friend on Sunday, and several people were willing to play, but they could not make Thursday. So I am moving it to Sunday, and I will let you all know how many I get in. The interest is ther, I just hope we can get some more product in.
i have played every wensday eve. since the game opened and i am told we have maybe twenty people saying they want to come to the marqee i am not aware how many set sold out of our venue but the store is perpetualy out...
i know personaly of 6 people that *will* be there not including my self so it seems to be doing well here...need to go feel out the other venues in the area.. .. soon..
The San Antonio area's been selling out pretty steadily. My own store has sold two sets -- mine and one other -- and a few other people have bought the PLANES, but not the RULES...
I think I am the only one in my country who plays Cs. Well got one of my friends hooked on (and beated him without losing any of my Planes .I love the Knights) and another helping me building a Zep-model :) . Heck I wish there would be a marquee here, I think I might got fair chances to win, ha? :cool: