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Intereseting ,but heres a little something for you,can flavio get a kill with his 2inch weapon system in any game? not a charge,but an actual ranged attack?:):laugh:
First off, a friend of mine was down there, said it was a blast, though he gave up a fair amount of sleep to see the end of it. He heard the Flavio kill, but couldn't tell me the details beyond that fact.
However, since I wrote what I expect to be Storyline II, I dare you to play Flavio. He won't be crippled, but... well, I double dog dare ya. :rolleyes:
Oh the madness!!
Oh what fun that senario sounded. And do I feel a sense of pride for MW creeping into me as I read Trev's entry? Oh such an inspiring article. I'll have to check out the journals more often.
Trev, will you be playing Flavio in ranked tournaments as well? Now THAT would take some stones. Especially with the calibre of players you sent to nats / worlds fellowship this past year. I feel a rankings harvest coming on!
Oh, I'm doing it -- ranked tournaments figure to be especially hilarious, just because I put added pressure on myself not to suck for those. Now I have no choice BUT to suck, and now I'm forced to overcome it. I've got some ideas, though.