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What RISC cards do you think are worth using? And which are just plain worthless?
I think the follwing are basically useless:
RISC Bunker Buster (what if no one places blocking?)
RISC Overcharger
RISC Viral Decoy Jammer
RISC Viral Homing Beacon Jammer
Hyper Laser for Heavies....... absolutely one of the most useful ones... especially when put on 'Lizzie' Willick's Mad Cat Mk IV... her ability lets her shoot through blocking terrain... and then the hyper laser increases her range and damage by half
I concur with the previous posts regarding CFM, APM and Hyperlaser. I would also recomment Seismic Dampener for Assault, all the benefits of electronic camo, plus hindering terrain becomes blocking terrain. Move you mech into the trees and as long as your dice cooperate and you can only be attacked by close combat or arty). Queen-B looks like it could be fun, but could be used against you as well.
I disagree with Overchargers, at least the medium types. I've seen them used to nasty effect with CJF Goshawks, adding 4" to their MDFA range. For less than ten points, well worth the investment for Jumphawks.
And as an avid Decoy user and abuser, I hate seeing Viral decoy Jammer out there. It's not great, but if you've got a handful of points left and a light 'Mech without a gear, why not? Can help bust S/A/D at any rate.
Agreed on Bunker Buster, Deforester (unstated, but should have been), and HB Jammer as far too narrow to be of any real use outside freakish storyline games. Even then, there has to be something better than those suckers out there.
What RISC cards do you think are worth using? And which are just plain worthless?
I think the follwing are basically useless:
RISC Bunker Buster (what if no one places blocking?)
RISC Overcharger
RISC Viral Decoy Jammer
RISC Viral Homing Beacon Jammer
I disagree. Viral Decoy jammer is invauable with the increasing amount of high defense heavy mechs that people put decoy on. That decoy jammer can really save your but. And if not, its only 9 points. If nothing else, it makes good point filler.
As for RISC overcharger, its pretty dang useful on jade falcon units, where 3 extra inches of movement can be the difference between being able to own your opponent with a DFA or not.
The RISC Hyper Laser rules as it doubles the damage and ignores Reflective Armor. It's excellent for any Mech with a decent energy range (12" or more), especially those 16" range Cat units.
Doesn't double it, only adds in half again the damage. Five turns into eight (5/2 = 2.5, 5 + 2.5 =7.5, 7.5 + WK ~8), not ten. Still a nasty damage boost, but the big kicker with Hyper Lasers are the range extenders, not the damage. Most of the time if an enemy's inside my normal attack range, I'll leave the Hippiebeam off and just attack them normally. Save the Laser for when I need that extra distance.
Doesn't double it, only adds in half again the damage. Five turns into eight (5/2 = 2.5, 5 + 2.5 =7.5, 7.5 + WK ~8), not ten. Still a nasty damage boost, but the big kicker with Hyper Lasers are the range extenders, not the damage. Most of the time if an enemy's inside my normal attack range, I'll leave the Hippiebeam off and just attack them normally. Save the Laser for when I need that extra distance.
yep... that's why it's so great on "Onslaught" with Lizzie in it... I pretty much annihilated my friend's RD army (until he finally got in range) thanks to her and having "Jack" in there to negate blocking terrain for my ballistics (using a Warwolf and Wulfen in there with em)
if it wasn't for the fact the RD get better all the way down the dial I probably woulda won...
I feel that the RISC Advance Pulse Module is awsome. People in my area hate me when I use it. I have 4 of them, :) So I use 4 Banson Solitares with them and throw a repair guy in for the hell of it. It makes things really bad when a 110 pt piece including gear and no pilot can do 12 clicks of damage in one turn at 10"
I feel that the RISC Advance Pulse Module is awsome. People in my area hate me when I use it. I have 4 of them, :) So I use 4 Banson Solitares with them and throw a repair guy in for the hell of it. It makes things really bad when a 110 pt piece including gear and no pilot can do 12 clicks of damage in one turn at 10"
I agree that is probably one of the best card that I have faced and feared the most :( Makes me want to have one too...