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After visiting my venue today, I thought it would be interesting to start a thread about how the distribution change will affect you and/or your venue.
I found out today that my venue is no longer ordering Wk products. He simply can't afford to buy Wk stuff from Diamond or Alliance. I'm going to ask him and my BM to start running Star Wars and D&D minis tournaments instead. At least Wizards knows how to keep games going. Well, they're better at it than WK, at any rate. MW's a great game, and I'll really miss it.
So, if your venue can't get you a regular fix of the plasticrack, you're going to thoroughly jump ship? I fail to see how your venue no longer ordering MW can or should be connected to you no longer being interested in tournament play.
You state that you'll "really miss it". My question to you is: What will you be "really missing"?? Tournament play? Or prize support? Tournament play will never go away as long as there are players around. If it's prize support that you'll be missing, then I say turn your back and keep on walking.
Actually he can get both tournament play AND prize support without his venue every having to order a single thing from Diamond. I suspect it's more of a case of the venue being pissed about it and deciding to screw the players out of spite for wizkids.
"groans" I'm not looking forward to this change. I'm wondering if it'll stop my local dealer from getting more MW. I'm really looking to get a hold on that HD Action pack.
Posts like these are why I've been spending less and less time here. Now I'll take the time to explain some more. MW has been doing fairly poorly for the past year, but just recently another guy started coming. I don't know him very well; he's more of an "acquaintance" than a "friend", and I wouldn't feel that comfortable hanging out with him at his place or mine. I'm aware we could still meet at the venue for friendly games, and we may do just that. I'm not upset we may lose prize support, I just naturally assumed that without any MW stuff at the store, interest in even playing it would decrease.
As for my venue not carrying Wk products anymore, I'm positive it has nothing to do with being angry at having to go through a different distributor. The owner of my venue would not stop carrying MW just to spite WK. He's not cruel. I don't know anything about going through Diamond or Alliance myself; I only know what I heard.
And I'm very sorry I bothered to say anything on this website full of immature people who prefer to insult and belittle others rather than converse. I should have learned that by now.
I do not think the rumored or fact changes to distribution will affect me much since I get most of my stuff online or thru trade due to there is no local store that carries MK items.
I'm confused. So where does your local venue get his stuff from? That distributor doesn't carry WK products? Or has Diamond/Alliance gotten WK to sign an exclusive? Did I miss something? Hard to keep track of it when your losing your last venue. Well there is a few more. I have to check them out and see if they would want a monthly tourny there.
I'm confused. So where does your local venue get his stuff from? That distributor doesn't carry WK products? Or has Diamond/Alliance gotten WK to sign an exclusive? Did I miss something? Hard to keep track of it when your losing your last venue. Well there is a few more. I have to check them out and see if they would want a monthly tourny there.
Diamond & Alliance will have a WizKids exclusive dea (note that both are owned by the same parent). The announcement is here. An interview with Lax Chandra and Joe Hauck explaining the reasons is on the ICV2 site. Part 1, Part 2.
i don't see how going to one distributor helps get your product to more stores. I know lots of customers that Alliance/Diamond has burned. Or I should say I know a few store that feel uncivil towards Alliance. That's not saying they don't deal with them.
I know if I had a game store (not in this economy) Alliance would be a backup distributor only. I fail to see WK logic in going to one distributor. Thier product is still going to online vendors. Do they think Alliance doesn't sell to internet companies or store fronts without internet sales?
Well, the big chain of gaming stores around where I live is gonna stop carrying MW now...but is still gonna keep carrying Horrorclix/Heroclix/Pirates....I don't know if it is due to the change of distrubition or the fact that no one but me and one other guy buys MW anymore....
I fail to see WK logic in going to one distributor. Thier product is still going to online vendors. Do they think Alliance doesn't sell to internet companies or store fronts without internet sales?
They have an agreement with them regarding selling to internet stores, using their definition. I'm pretty sure their definition is a store that doesn't have a brick and mortar store. For example, my FLGS does internet sales, but wouldn't be considered an internet store because they have a store (in fact, that's their primary focus).
In general the advantage the internet only stores have is they don't have to pay much overhead. Many are run out of someone's basement or garage. They don't have to pay any more rent, employees to staff the store (they work when they want to), maybe slightly more utilities than average, and less misc. expenses (many probably don't. bother with a business license, etc).
I am so happy about wizkids move to haveing one distributer. My venues current distributer blows hardcore. We've been waiting for over 2 months to get our mech packs from his current distributors. GJ wk, now i will be able to reliably get my plastic crack.
Well, so much for Mechwarrior or any other wizkids at the 2 venues where I live. I just found out that both of my venues will no longer be ordering or carrying any wizkids products due to the high costs of dealing with Diamond or Alliance. I realize that we can still run events but seriously, if there are no products in the stores then any sealed events go out the window. Also, with no product in the store to grab newbies interest in the game, there will be no growth. Well done Wizkids! You just killed Mechwarrior sales in my area. I usually buy 3 or more cases from my venues not counting the 6-7 other cases bought by my fellow players. Trying to get the cases on-line will probably be near impossible if Diamond and Alliance have the exclusive rights to distribute the product.
@Geekman- If you read your firs post it sounds like since your venue isnt carrying Mw then you are going to turn your back and go to Wotc games. It has nothing to do about people being immature it has more to do with your wording.