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"Tools" is the word for today. Let's spell it out; T ... O ... O ... L ... S. Tools. I've spent the past week, heads-down, building tools that I believe will not only make your lives easier, but add that little "something" to
Virtual Binder Add-On
Location: (1st Edition, Non-Foil) (1st Edition, Foil) (Unlimited Edition, Non-Foil) (Unlimited Edition, Foil)
Status: Release Candidate 1 (RC1)
The Virtual Binder is a visual representation of the Inventory Control System (ICS). In fact, it is fully capable of replacing the ICS is you have a good internet connection, and like seeing "pretty pictures".
Think of this as your collections binder. Each set will have 4 "binders", representing the various edition/foil combinations.
Items highlighted in RED represent cards that you have zero (0) of.
This tool is the first to include our Passive Submit System, so don't bother looking for a "Submit" button, because there isn't one. The moment you're done editing a have/want value, it'll automatically save.
Draft Pack
Status: Beta 2.0
The Draft Pack represents a random booster pack (actual pack data), and will get you, the members, aquainted to draft conditions.
To use the tool, simply click on the card you wish to change the order on, and select either "Move Up" or "Move Down". There are numbers in the left column respresenting the first pick (1), and the last pick (14). Once complete, "Submit Draft Order", and it will save your selections into our database.
Once we have enough data compiled we take this tool out of beta and provide the members with statistical information on 1.) Draft Order (all packs), 2.) Draft Stats/Pack, and whatever other information you may want!
I'd like to thank the UDE Staff for not only suggesting this tool, but helping to test it.
WOW! Quite simply amazing! As a former Magic player, I must say that we NEVER got anything like this for the game without having to pay for it (modo)! This is a big step towards a real community and makes me quite optimistic about the game and its future.
A round of applause is definitely in order.
The binders are(for lack of a better word)AMAZING!
You guys are really going out of your way to make this the coolest site around.
"NEVER got anything like this for the game without having to pay for it"... That concept totally escapes me. We're here to build a community for a game; so you should be spending your money ON the game. Granted, a lot of members have already been kind enough to donate to VSRealms, but that's definately not required to use our tools. So keep your money, and go buy yourself a booster pack on us. :)
Actually... one thing that you could do for us is use the tools; use the heck out of it so I know my time wasn't wasted. ;) he he
For the draft: There's a problem with booster #83. There are two Unstable Molecules and when you submit the draft selection, it only registers 1 of them. This makes the pack have 13 cards, messing up the stats.
You said you wanted to get rid of the packs with doubles anyways, so I guess that'll be easy enough to fix. :)
EDIT: Same with pack #132, but with Black Tom being the troublesome double.
I'm pretty sure i'm not the first one who clicked on the draft booster pack and pressed submit after choosing one card ;) did that twice before realising what i was meant to do.
A neat suggestion : don't allow those entries which did not change the order of the cards. and add a pop-up which tells users what is EXACTLY meant of them to do in the booster draft.
Other than that , cool tool! hey ... that rhymes ;)
Glad to say that I haven't found any new buggy packs in the last few days, looks like they've been cleaned out good. :)
Anyways, I do have a new, serious topic. Just wondering something about the draft packs... what happens if you draft a random pack that you've already filled out earlier? Does it record both of your results? Does it only keep the first one? The second?
It will on keep the lastest draft. It actually updates the row instead of adding a new one... in case you became a better player since you first drafted it. ;)
The binders will eventually show up under the inventory section. I'm in the process of designing a "8-Pod Draft" tool, which will have links to the single Draft Pack tool. for now it's only on the front of the site. It's coming though. :)