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With Marvel TCG's recent launch, and a Ka-Boom! in our community population, we thought it would be a good idea to run a little contest to get everyone acquainted with all our tools, and get the community headed in the right direction.
That being said; Starting this month (April), we will be holding a "Member of the Month" Contest to promote the utilization of our tools, and promote positive actions within our community.
So how do you win? It's pretty simple.
1.) Actively use the tools provided; Inventory Control System (ICS), Deck Builder, Draft Pack Tool, Articles Section, etc.
2.) Constructively Rate/Comment Members' Decks
3.) Be active in the forums, and helpful to new members.
4.) Provide Suggestions/Feedback to make VSRealms even better
5.) Update your Journal (Yup, it's now available!)
6.) Refer new Members! (What are referrals?)
This is an Ongoing Plot Twist .. ugh, I mean Contest, and doesn't replace the other contests we have planned every month!
Well.. don't just sit there ... Start the month off by clicking Journal, and start logging your experiences for all to view!!!
This is a very nice gesture. It is obviously drumming up some mad activity on the journal board too. Still waiting for an announcement of what contests will qualify us for the "golden ticket", and an invitation to the Pro Tour... but in the meantime we will be all friendly-like and help build the groundswell that floods the world with VS. bliss.
I am wondering this: Do you really expect the killer competition-level decks and strategies to come out for a $40 prize? Will the winning ideas even come out for your golden ticket? I have heard that there will be at least 14 invitations available at Origins during the tournament... will that be the first time that our community really reveals the goods?
Actually, and I don't mean to sound snarky when I say this, not everyone plays CCG with the ultimate goal of entering ANY tournament, much less the Pro Tour. Out of about a dozen people I play CCGs with only one or two of them even enter tournaments of any kind. We mostly play for the fun and the socialization. While I have entered tournaments myself, I find that taking a "killer competition level" deck to a group that is just trying to have fun can sometimes get people mad at me. So I do think that there should be a place here for people who are just trying to have fun and the $40 prize is fine for that. I'm actually interested in both levels of play and anything that encourages more people to participate is fine with me.
I completely understand. I feel that way about Magic the Gathering. My wife and I absolutely love the deep fun that casual play holds. This game is different, for me. You have helped me greatly with that last post, I was getting blinded by the light of the possiblities swirling around my head involving the Pro Tour. I was unable to see how I could help with decks that I see have no chance in competitive play. Now I remember how much more fun it is to run off big casual combos in magic, and I will be able to share the VS. versions with this community. Thanks, Dave.
Besides, putting up decks is really only one way to get noticed. You don't want to part with your super strategy? Just be helpful, draft some virtual packs when your bored, etc. :)
my friend. The draft game is keen fun indeed, I will do at least 12 packs a day. I will be helpful until the qualifiers, then if I win an invitation I will spill the beans. So far I haven't seen the things we discovered anywhere online, but I am sure there are plenty of others who can kill fourth turn.
stubarnes, you're on the same road everyone else is on for the 'golden ticket'. As stated before, it's not justan invitation to participate in the first stop of the Pro Crcuit, but to earn a place the first (of many) competitive RealmWorx teams. I don't believe anyone has a "broken combo" that you seem to be hinting at. Even I can say "I've got a combo that will beat all of you... but I don't plan on playing competitively... so try and get it out of me." LOL!!!
All I'm saying is that we want the community to really 'gel' and help each other. That's what "Member of the Month" is all about.
it's good to know that our beloved administrator is smelling blood on the wind too.
The best, and worst part of this game design is its balance. The "broken combos" all have very effective silver bullets, making them not broken in the final analysis. There will be some strong deck archetypes, yet each will have an answer from an opposing team... or from a slightly different build.
As far as the golden tickets go... I am starting to burn out the bottom of that adrenaline barrel. I don't yet see a way to decide objectively who gets the four invitations when they are so valuable. Unless there is a physically real-time tournament, it becomes another popularity contest and I tend to be too honest for that. I will just practice until Origins, see if I can win my way onto the Pro Circuit, then lick my wounds all the way back to Miami if I get whupped. We will just have to wait and see how many players will have tight decks that can survive the randomness that is built into the game. We have played enough to know that there are no sure-things in VS... Nice!
I really didn't want to be the one to bring this up, in case it turns out to be a "Ah! You bug us about it, you lose" type thing. But, being two weeks into May now, I've gotta ask... what's going on with this?