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"Whether it’s your local card shop, a Pro Circuit Qualifier or a $250,000 Pro Circuit event, winning has you holding all the cards. And prizes. But there are even some less tangible benefits that winning bestows upon you . . .
1. You Control The Metagame
When a winning deck hits the Internet, people take notice. Some people will inevitably copy the deck, usually with mediocre results as they don’t have a clear picture of how it works or what strategy to employ against other archetypes. Others will try to find the deck’s foil. They’ll try to find a silver bullet that can wreck the deck and hope that a lot of people copy your winning deck. However, these decks tend to lose against decks they aren’t set up to defeat.
Your deck’s foil isn’t always that obvious anyway. You’re the only one who really knows what your deck is all about. No one saw your third round match against a well–put together X-Men Discard deck. Perhaps you were soundly trounced in game 1 with no hope of beating your opponent on the horizon, but then he or she made a couple of bad tactical decisions and gave away games 2 and 3. You came away from the matchup seemingly scott-free to the rest of the world, but you know the truth. Your deck has a glaring weakness that only you know about.
Also, the next time you take a new deck to a local tournament or even to a casual play gathering, players will study it intently, sometimes deciding that it must be your future tournament deck. You don’t have to tell them that it was just a fun deck you threw together last night.
2. Everyone Wants to Be Your Friend
After you make it to the Top 8, you’ll attract a lot of attention from the rest of the field. Your former opponents will now cheer you on, as it’s great to see the deck that beat you, beat everyone else. It’s like when your girlfriend dumps you for another guy and they end up getting married. You don’t feel so bad, because, hey, they were obviously meant to be together.
You designed and successfully played a great deck, so you have an obvious insight into the game, the rules, and the metagame. That makes you a hot commodity. Other players are going to want to build decks with you and playtest with you to learn from the best. Don’t be surprised if you get a few offers from other serious players to join a deckbuilding and playtesting team."