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alright, how much damage were YOU able to come up with? (front page contest)
No need to spoil anything here, except your result! I was only able to pull off 49 damage, I'm sure there must be a way to get more, but that was all I could squeak out. What did you guys get?
Is 182 legal? Cos it seems that darkoth's ability may seem to interfere with the threshold cost of the key card. The chain gets me alittle confused.If its legal, then I supposed I've got 182 too.
Actually the chain resolves back words so cards you already activated can not be stopped as long as at the point you activated them they met there threshold.
I'm stuck at 182 too. Unless you are able to have more then 10 cards in total.
hrm... Im stuck at 185.
I think I might be able to squeeze more outta it. But apparently there are people with answers in the 4 digits o_O. hope they are illegal though. lol.