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Where if at any locations do you gather for local play, trading and non-PCQ tournaments? So far there seems to be several individuals getting envolved with the game in our area, however I have yet to see any real consistent gathering points and local tournaments.
Lets find one another and create a following in the area, create more interest and exposure to the game. If we discover all of our numbers we can start meeting and regularly organize for trading and tournaments. The Salt Lake City PCQ for July is coming soon. Lets get going and prepare with local tournament play.
Thanks for the suggestion. However, there are no stores listed from my area. That being said, what I am looking for is the Realm Members from my area to stand up and be counted.
Also those who are interested in learning the game or playing better. I want this thread to become a clearinghouse to organize us into a movement. There really is no consistent VS System Gaming Community up and going yet.
So please sound off if you are from the Salt Lake City area and want to find or organize consistant game locations (Stores) and local tournements.
Our PTO, Lord Daroki, has the PCQ well under control. He and many other stores have done a great job of creating a striving Yu-gi-oh and Magic TG community. What needs to happen is development of the VS System community.
Even though the Venues do not list any stores for our area, I am quite familiar with all the sores in the Salt Lake Valley Region. There have been only a couple of stores that attempted to create interest in the game. It has not uncovered many players. Only the PCQ's stand to generate a place to draw out players at the current time. But more needs to be done to increase the VS Systems awareness and develop a community of players in any large numbers.
As to your other suggestion, to do an advanced member search, I will try that. Thank you.
In the Mean time, please any players or interested players please come forward.