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I wasn't the TO so I won't go into all the details, I'll let Chris do that.
First off: It was great working with Chris and his staff. My fellow judges were awesome. I already know Mr. Wheat (fantasyzzz), our Head Judge, and got to meet Goop and Matt from S&C.
The event was well organized and both Limited and Constructed started pretty much on time. Chris' idea of giving a $10 discount for dropping from Limited to join Constructed was a great idea as more people were able to play in both formats.
Now for the observations of fellow VSRealmers...
Team 21st Century/OC_Versus (foilball and Majestic): They were ranked 1st and 8th, and had to play each other in the top 8 Constructed... bwahahaha... Billy Z's problem was he kept telling his opponents how to beat him -- "Attack me... I won't reinforce... c'mon... or just ping me for 3 and you win!"
Liquidroyl: I told you I was gonna rag on you here but I can't. Having got to watch him play, you honestly have to admire his style. It's not just the cards you draft but the way you play them. He pulled off some nice moves when he should have lost.... good job!
There were probably some other VSRealmers there but it was a pretty long day I can't even remember all the matches I watched. I do know that SoCal must be the Doom and Bhood capital of the world.
I saw so many mirror matches it was ridiculous... and guys were Relocating and Ka-Booming each other so much... turn 8 games had only 3-4 resources out. ("I power-up, Avalon, power-up again and flip Lost City. In response, I relocate your Lost City before the power-ups resolve. In response I relocate my Lost City back."... sheesh)
One other thing I noticed was someone attacking for over 50 ATK consistently every game... even got as high as 108 one turn. Awesome tech.
Probably one of the other guys will post more info and of course Chris will post the top 8 results in both formats.
My first PCQ was fun (and tiring)... makes me want to play instead of judge... especially against Liquidroyl (his new nickname should be 'TheCalculator').
Great turnout and organization on this tourney; it was great seeing the familiar faces and meeting the new ones like Erick and Chris. Nothing like pulling into the final draft piloting a deck with no 5 drops! I'm sure I'll see you guys all again sometime, so until next time.
This was by far one of the best tournaments I have gone to so far. They were very good with their times and actually posted standings several times allowing players to check their progress. They had plenty of judges and they knew what they were doing. Also prize support was good. They gave out 1/4 box for 5th-8th, 1/2 box for 3rd-4th, full box for 2nd, and seat and $250 for 1st. The numbers they got there was also quite good, I think they was 20+ (not sure) for limited and 30+ for constructed. I definatly had a very good time even though I bombed hardcore in the quaterfinals for limited.
Liquidroyl, Is an awsome player I was quite un/fortunate to play against him in the 4th round of limited and definatly learned a few things in our match, like hating cover fire when used against you twice in one match plus acrobatic dodge. The man definatly knows his stuff and will give you a really good match. Definatly one that will make it big in the PC.
I don't know how Andrew does so well all the time but he's a cool guy I enjoyed seeing again and look forward to running into at future events. I also don't know how I managed to get into the finals with him with no 7's and only 1 6 drop myself. Two of the worst draft decks must have faced off in that 'final.' I just visited that site and see Patrick got first, thats sweet! Hopefully Billy will get the next one.
That's a bit misleading... I was 6-0 in the swiss rounds, but lost to the eventual champion in the semis :ermm: What I find interesting is that 3 of the Brotherhood decks (including mine) are almost carbon copies of each other (same character ratios, plot twists, etc), even though none of us have ever met each other. Anyway, that's 3 top 8s in PCQs for me with nothing to show for it :ermm:
Hopefully the 4th time will be the charm like it was for you Ryan, :p Congratulations again!
Yes... I remember you. You were one of the few players who proposed your attacks correctly, not exhausing your characters until you let your opponent state whether or not he is doing anything to make the proposed attack illegal.
You are planning to judge an event aren't you? You would make a good one.
Funny you should say that. When I used to work for Wizards of the Coast in Mission Valley (retail store that closed) I was the Magic judge for the store. As for VS system it depends. For example if Upper Deck changes it's policy on participation on PCQ once you have a seat. So if I get a seat, instead of participating on the tournament I would try and see if I could help as a judge. I still haven't taken the Level 1 Judge test for VS, So I would need to do that as well.
Right now I am more interested in making it to the PC.
I am still a novice compared to some players, like Andrew. I need a lot more practice and card knowledge. Going back over my performance on Sat. I made at least 2 dozen mistakes and I need to NOT do them if I want to play competively.
You guys did a great job. Like I said earlier, you guys are the best tournament I have gone to.
Well I was the tall goofy looking judge there wearing white. I'm quite sure God will condem Chris for putting such a terrible picture of me on his website. It was fun to meet Erick and Matt and of course Fantasyzz and I go way back to the early yugioh days.
Anyway what i found to be the most facinating about the event was the final 8 decks in constructed. It was 4 brotherhood, 2 doom and 2 fantastic four. Not to big of a surprise there but what interested me is that not one of the brotherhood decks that made the top 8 were running new brotherhood. There were many NB decks in the tournament but they all fell before the might of lost city and space station.
I have to admit if you were not running kabooms or relocations you had little to no chance of beating one of the top 8 brotherhood decks. Finals came down to FF vs brotherhood, FF made a good rush near the end but just couldn't finish it.
Also most of the final 8 were not running savage beatdowns, maybe because they didn't have them or possibly because they didn't want to. Could it be that the beloved $30 savage beatdown isn't all its cracked up to be?
A good event over all i would say, i'm very much looking forward to the next one here in L.A next month.
Bah, I coulda proposed my attacks correctly and randomly did so about 5% of the time, I just find its a waste of time the vast majority of the time as a proposed attack hardly ever becomes illegal in limited, and if the opponent has something to play before the attacker is supposed to attack my skipping the step can't be held against him. I got a 100 on the judge test myself, but I'll never judge I like to play too much =).
Oh, I finally understand majestic = Pat and that you didnt get first, ####, that sucks.
Although I somewhat agree that it is a small waste of time... when it comes to these type of events, it can be crucial. In casual events, it's fine... but not at qualifiers.
There were a few rulings problems because the attacking player felt that the defending player had allowed his attacker(s) to exhaust and therefore couldn't play Mystical Paralysis (which came up often because of all the Doom decks).
I don't write the rules... I just enforce them... and I can't enforce them if the players don't abide by them correctly.
I know this doesn't come up in limited but I still feel it's a good habit to get used to.
Can anyone pm me where I can find out future pcq times and places. I live in ohio and really want to play in some around this area. And I dont know how you guys know about them in advance. I am also a judge and to so, maybe I can volunteer to help with some of them as well.