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I hate to sound like a stick in the mud, but I don't believe the claims about New Brotherhood net decks. I think a trained monkey(okay that is a little extreme) could play a souped up New Brotherhood deck. I have an X-Men deck that won a local tournament, and I would be more than happy to play the X-Men PCQ deck(where can I find that one?), against a souped up New Brotherhood deck. I also have a Sentinel deck that finished second in a local tourney. I am going to play these decks(mind you I played Magic for three years upon first release, and I have played VS since it came out-two months ago!) versus my souped up New Brotherhood deck. Here's the kicker.
My mother and wife are going to play The New Brotherhood deck. They don't even like CCGs, and have no playing experience. I am going to play one test match(2 out of 3) to teach them and one match against them.
I will bet my left arm The New Brotherhood wins both matches. Either I stink as a player or my claim is right. I would like to think the latter. We will see. I welcome your thoughts and comments to keep this forum alive.
I'll play the Devil's Advocate on this and support something I don't.
When you've been playing in a big tournament for 15 hours, you'll be glad your deck is so easy to play that your trained monkey can take over if need be.