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If you would mulligan and the Joker is in your hand, you may reveal the Joker instead. If you do, put your hand on the bottom of your deck in any order, and draw five cards. you may not mulligan.
Boost 2: When Joker comes into play, discard your hand and draw five cards
Omg.. I knew i'd like his 3 drop.. But i just didn't realize it'd be this much..
Why do i like him so much? If you use his boost ability your garunteed 5 cards.. You could have a hand of 1 card.. a 4 card draw for 2 more recruit cost?
Beyond cool. Like the article says the cost to atk/def ratio is pretty cut and dry so it is good they are mixing it up. I doubt it will see much board play but this card is going to be ditched alot.
The other thing that excites me about this card is there is going to be Tim Sale art in the set.
It's not even that good guys; definitely not broken. The mulligan feature is nice, but the boost ability is garbage unless Arkham has some crazy stall cards to compensate for dropping a 3/3 on turn 5. If you drop him on turn 5 you basically get all of your guys stunned and lose the game right there, even with a few extra cards in your hand.
Eric's absolutely right. This isn't that good, really. And unless I'm missing something, I don't see how anything Boost (unless extremely powerful) can make up for the lack of ATK/DEF against a comparable drop. :still reserving judgment for now:
actually, the article hints at rush possibilities that I don't think we're awar of yet - I have a feeling that we'll see some crazy 0-cost equipment...
&& if there are undercosted 3- and 4- drops (a la Logan, Sabretooth, Rhino) then it may balance out. You could even play Joker for the hand, then Swift Escape him. Play out your new hand to boost combat and defensive stats. Rinse, repeat.
I can see this card being the backbone of a lot of different decks.
Kergy has a good point. The Joker can be used to get hugh card advantage over your opponent. Very good for any deck that does it's damage with boosts or anything that relies on big combos.
With a boost of 2, I would have to forgo my 5 drop in order to get the effect. Without playtesting, I am not sure if hte additional 5 cards would make up for the bad board posistion. But I will tell you what deck this would be great for, Doom. They do noy have a steller 5 drops and they could really benifit from the additional 5 cards.
The New Brotherhood decks may be able to make use of him as well.
It's not really an additional five cards though. You are losing your hand to do this. You will typically have about four cards in your hand after making your 5 drop so there isn't really that much advantage here. As for Doom, that would mean that you'd have to discard all of the Dr. Doom's that you've been collecting for the first four turns. You will almost certainly have more than 5 cards in your hand to begin with also. I could maybe see him splashed in some TNB decks.
The bottom line is that when you drop him on turn 5 you ensure that your opponent will have at least two characters that are as big or bigger (probably the latter) than anything you have. Giving an opponent that kind of board advantage loses games.
Yeah, and there could just as easily be cards the Inmates have that are overpowered for the cost. And I seem to remember seeing somewhere that The Mad Hatter can take control of other people's characters. If he's low costed, recruiting him multiple times in a turn could easily do enough endurance to offset dropping weaker characters. The Joker: Laughing Lunatic ability seems to indicate they'll have some nice late game drops.
That's the thing about the Arkham Inmates: The less sense they make, the more dangerous they actually are.
You're missing the point, Eric - a deck with this card would center around using your PTs and hand REALLY quickly.
A few possibilities:
1) You emptied your hand Turn 4, and draw 2 on Turn 5. Joker and a resource. Your hand is empty.
2) The excess cards in your hand can be used immediately (like Flying Kick or 0-cost equipment)
3) The excess cards in your hand are not useful for this turn (a 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-drop with no beneficial effect this turn) --> If you play Avalon, or the equivalent, you may have even ditched a higher-drop character as a pump in a previous round, that you can recover after Joker comes into play.
The point of the card, article, or a dec that centers around this kind of draw-tech is one that is heavy on the PTs and 0-cost equipment. In this type of deck, you won't have a big hand, and recharge cards will allow you to be less cautious when pushing through your attacks or using up your PTs...
It's not really an additional five cards though. You are losing your hand to do this. You will typically have about four cards in your hand after making your 5 drop so there isn't really that much advantage here.
If you know you are about to discard your hand, and draw five, I can almost gaurentee that you will have used up all your cards first. or the cards you have left are dead cards(as in cards that are not usefull against your particular opponant.
Timetwister in MTG made you discard you hand and draw 7, which was a huge card advantage.
Gambit: I have a feeling that Mad Hatter will be like Seasinger or Rubinia Soulsinger in Magic - he exhausts to take control of a character and must remain exhausted to keep the char; with the option not to ready him during recovery...