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I debated on whether to put this in my journal or here, so I went with here, and if the boss moves it, he moves it... But this was a definite PC fallout. Started out with me and Amanda (Miaka) picking up a friend who I talked into FF Beats with 3 Foiled and 4 HAB!s to counter the amount of Common Enemy decks he would play (Anyone who had to play him, sorry) he went 4-2 but thats another story. So I reach Kings games and Sealed started an hour late (Boo) so they say that signups for constructed will be at 1 pm. I go downstairs to check out the field.... 50 people playing sealed! 50!!!!Didnt really notice any big names except Kai Budde made an appearance. I think he went either 4-2 or 3-3, either way, he didnt top 8. Moving along. I meet up with some VSrealmers. Through the day, I met with the following:
Nice report Tam, glad to see that Titans are finally making an appearance in PCQ's with a respectible difficulty level for thier opponents. I like dthe report, but the orange-ish (more pink) text made for an akward time reading. LONG LIVE TITANS!!!!!!!!!
So I sit with my buddy Dustin (YataLockYoAzz) and he, again, doesnt know what to play. (I was hell-bent on Common Enemy) He has to go with Titans or Common Enemy. He asks me to play him: I pull out the Brave and the Bold Deck I made. He pulled out his Titans build, which was basically just a "Use Arsenal to kill everything deck". If I had enough Fizzles, I could have stopped it... Alas, lets just say Dustin handed it to me. Then he switched it to Common Enemy. He begged me to get out a tourney deck. I said I wasnt bringing out CE till tourney time... So I took out the BBH I haven't touched since the last PCQ I played in. He handled that OK but BBH still gave him a buttload of problems. I watched DietSeto who was playing next to us Gamma Bomb with like 11 Cops out and 2 Gone but not forgottens out and his opponent was running a GK/F5 deck with 3 Supermans, 3, Dr. Lights and a army of cops out... the look on his face was priceless.
Anyway, after the tourney stated an hour late, I grab my pen, my deck, and paper. The deck I ran, you will all recognize it:
Common Enemy
4 Boris, Personal Servant of Doom
4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura
2 Darkoth
4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters
1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm
4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius
1 Ghost Rider
1 Robot Destroyer
1 Thing, Heavy Hitter
1 Dr. Doom, Victor von Doom
1 Sub-Mariner
1 Thing, Ever-Lovin Blue-Eyed Thing
1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria
3 Apocalypse
1 Hulk
3 Acrobatic Dodge
4 Common Enemy
1 Faces of Doom
1 Flame Trap
3 Mystical Paralysis
3 Reign of Terror
3 Have a Blast
4 Signal Flare
4 It's Clobberin' Time
4 Doomstadt
Ok. First round, wouldnt you know, a Mirror.
1st game we both have a Brain fart, I HAB! his Doomstadt and we dont notice that its still there a turn later. Alex comes over and rules that its a dead card. I miss drops and he doesnt... Theres almost nothing that can stop a Common Enemy running like butter.
Second game, we mirror each other most of the time... Except when he brought Doom LOL, I brought Apoc. Having initiative on turn 8, I run my Apoc into his LOL, him having 2 cards in hand and no access to resource row (from Doom) he sent a +1+1 to get me... but I had my own +1+1... at which point he scooped.
Time is called while we are shuffling, talking how much we love the mirror. We are told to play 4 rounds. I draw Hulk and Apoc and mulligan. I draw into She-Thing, She-Hulk, ROT, and Doom. He decides to go first.
Turn 1, me nothing, him nothing.
Turn 2, Me She-Thing, him nothing. (47-50)
Turn 3, Me She-Hulk, Him She-Hulk. I leave both in front row. He Clobberin Times his She-Hulk to my She-Hulk, I dodge, Initiative to me, I CT! his She-Hulk with mine then go through direct with she-Thing. (39-50)
Turn 4, I draw MP, and know that its over. I Drop Doom, he drops Darkoth (The best 4 turn guy ever ) Too bad I ROT the Darkoth and MP the She-Hulk for good measure.
(Me 1-0)
2nd round: My Beloved
Common Enemy o so smooth. Have a Blast! is such a good card... Without the My Beloved (I'd flip it down with Doom) he had a hard time hitting all the loyalty he was packing. With Reign of Terror, Game 1 was mine easily mine.
Game 2 he got me fairly easily, Fizzling both my signal Flares, then Fizzling the only Faces of Doom in my deck... Not cool dude, not cool. Then used a 4th Fizzle on my Mystical Paralysis. I lose... Couldn't MP Lady Shiva which would have saved me.
Me: 4 Fizzles!
Him: Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Me: Blah, lets go.
Round 3: I drew 2 HAB!, 1 Doom, 1 Boris. I kept drawing CE and ROT. Woot... I god handed him... nothing he could do.
Didnt miss a drop, it was over by turn 6 when I rotted everything after his only 4 drop was Ras al Ghul.
Me 2-0.
Round 3: Titans.
His deck ran good.... I really give this kid props. He was running a Tamaran/Tower... He optitroned early for his important drops (turn 1 and 2 he never did anything but Optitroned... I really was discouraged by Raven... Even though I dropped Apoc (All other chars were exhausted due to some trickiness of Cassie Sandmark and Combat Reflexes...Accidentally left Apoc in the back. He promptly flipped up Optitron, grabbed Starfire... Good night Irene.
I lose. Me 2-1.
I walk back to Amanda for comfort. Start talking to whydoesithurt, who was also running Common Enemy. He just lost to a Brave and the Bold deck. We talk about how good a good Titans build is.
Me: Yeah, Titans can be kinda a hard Matchup for Common Enemy; You gotta win early.
whydoesithurt: Yeah, those ####in Titans...
Amanda: What did you just say! Thats a bad word!
whydoesithurt: Sorry, won't say Titans again....
Round 4: JasonS5581 (Running a Board Control/KO deck)
First off, let me start by giving him props for running this deck which was one of 2 decks out of the 8 that made it to top 8 that WASNT common enemy.
1st game took forever. My deck literrally crapped on itself. On turn 8, I STILL had a chance to win with only LOL on the field and him with TONS of characters out. I mean my drops were miserable, even with mulliganing. This is the game I SHOULD have won... Im sorry... Common Enemy shouldnt lose to this deck.
Jason said: All I've played was common enemy so far... Only lost to one. I say, lets get going.
Game 2: Deck ran like butter, he scooped on turn 7.
Evil is good.
Game 3: This is the game he deserved to win... but it never should have gotten this far, as I am still cursing myself from Game 1. I miss my 2 drop which was crucial because he had Puppet Master then had Charaxes on 3... I realized that after I missed Doom, I had to drop multiple characters as he would just exhaust my one character then Team Attack it to kill it with Charaxes. I didnt have a chance... and lost that game. Props to Jason for beating me! I still shouldnt have lost though.
Me 2-2, decide that it is still Mathematically possible for me to win. Unfortunately, I didnt know that the kid that was playing straight Titans dropped after round 4, killing my T1.
Round 5: Mutant Nation: (I think this was WebDev)
Mutant Nation has 1 drawback... well 2. Reign of Terror, and Have a Blast. I pack 3 of each. Most notable move: Turn 7, he drops Berserker Rage. Instead of dropping Sub, I drop Boris, grab a MP, he concedes.
I wont get into this one... Over quickly. 2-0.
Standings are posted after round 5... I am 14th. I realize that it is slightly possible for me to make it if Jason wins. Amanda doesn't feel good, but tells me to play anyway. I got a great girlfriend ^_^
Round 6: Mutant Nation (How do I get so lucky ^_^)
I play a Common Enemy, a guy who didnt even know what Reign of Terror did (was cursing how good a card it was after I played it twice on turn 6, then it was it.)
Me 4-2.
Standings are posted.
I'm 13th. I moved up 1 spot. I curse tiebreakers...
Notables: Tombster212 got 9th place, Yata-Lock got 11th place, my friend got 12th place.
Top 8 saw 6 Common Enemies... 5 were the same decklist. One got different on turn 7 running Cars and Mr. Fantastic 7.
About 46 people started, and over 20 were playing Common Enemy. (90% of that were playing Brian Kilber's build)
What does this mean for PCQ players? Common Enemy is what's hot, play it or something that can beat it (Titans)
whydoesithurt: for making me laugh
YataLockYoAzz: for getting all the losses out of my system before the PCQ started Amanda: for being so sweet coming with me
The Titans: deck I lost to...
Have a Blast! -The card that was the most disruptive today
Reign of Terror -The second most disruptive card
Boris- For showing up in more than half my games
KG: for simply having the tournament. Rest of Team Realmworx, especially VS_Master, for getting me ready for this tourney.
All the VSrealmers I met.
KG for never checking decks, rounds that were way too long (Didnt end till after 2 AM... I was in bed at 2 AM!)
Flame Trap: Even with 1 in there, every time I got it, I wished it were something else. Not enough Sentinels out there to pack even 1...
Doom: DG... You were the lynch-pin of my deck... when I got you, I won, gloriously, when I didnt, I got owned. Sadly.
Fizzle: One word: Boo.
Apocalypse: For reaking his ugly head only once in rounds 3 or 4 with 3 in the deck... you do the math.
My deck: for crapping out against Jason in round 4, game 1.
Me: For my misplay in round 3 (Leaving Apoc in support row on my initiative... WHY!)
En toto, was great to meet alot of VSrealmers and hope to see some more of you at the WOS preview!
Me: For my misplay in round 3 (Leaving Apoc in support row on my initiative... WHY!)
Great preview. I wasn't able to make the Brooklyn PCQ, sadly, so this was pretty informative on what I missed. As for the Starfire thing, yeah... it's why Titans build run at least one(I'm guilty of abusing this). Don't beat yourself up, too much. You live, you learn.
that guy running the common enemy with cars was the one that beat me in round 6 and in the semis. i did beat the undefeated brave and the bold deck in round 1 of the top 8 though. anyways good seeing all of you i'm sure i'll see you for web of spierman preview or next pcq
Yeah, it was a rough day. I did the draft and opened packs for an AMAZING deck. Unfortunately, after they collected the registered packs, I did not get the same cards I opened. The guy who got my cards even made sure to thank me for opening such good packs. Well, I tried my best to work with what I the end I had to go with titan, gotham and arkham (yes, it was that bad). The guy I had to play in the first round had a pretty good brave and the bold deck, with lots of good plot twist. I was able to beat him 2-0 with a bunch of little surprises. Even with the win I knew my deck wouldnt perform well enough to take out good players who pulled good decks, so I just dropped and tried to figure out what I was running for constructed. Mark (Tamahome helped me a little with deciding). A large group of friends I met up with all ran CE and said I should do that I did. i couldnt really help the rounds I lost, so I dont feel horrible....guess I could have shuffled better or something. It would also help if I prepared myself better for PCQ's.
Well, I will probably see most of you guys at the next one-it was fun. And atleast I got to meet a whole bunch of you guys that I talk to here on vsrealms.
Fun-fun however ^_^. Last round I conceded, it was getting too tiresome for me, at that rate, i was gonna mess up anyways XD.
All those mirror matches were a pain. My Power Cosmic (ironically put into my deck that day) saved me 3 times (more like 3 matches :P).
Definately worthy of note, it will put you ahead of the other Common Enemy. Situation:
Endurance: About 31-5 me
Boris and It's Clobberin' Time in my hand. Field:
No Common Enemy
Dr. Doom: VVD
Thing, ELBET
Signal Flare down
his Ini.
No CE either
Apoc. and Thing, Hulk Front row
Dr. Doom DG and a She-thing in back row (perfect ;))
turn 8: Draw Apoc and It's Clobberi'n Time
Thinking: Ok, Apoc. my 8 drop- perfe- wait, he's got those, he's a Doom player and knows what to do...aha...perfect
"Ok, I have Apoc *flashes* (P.S. opponent only has 2 cards in hand XD) but he's not beating you."
*Signal Flare's for Sub-mariner*
*Boris- Search for Power Cosmic*
"Here's the lodown. I play Submariner, this looks a bit familiar doesn't it? (the classic combo). Power Cosmic, all my things go bye-bye"
*Combat Phase*
"No resoruces to K.O. ;)"
*Subby hits Doom- reinforces*
*Subby hits She-thing, for all of it :D*
End: 13-5
*Subby and Doom go after Apoc*
End: 5-(-1)
*Thing hits Hulk (16 atk) and pump with Clobberin'*
-8 to -1
In the sealed, I registered a crappy deck, and got back 3 Teen Titans Go, 1 Roy Harper, and 4-6 TT drops. Apparently it was a match made in heaven, or not. Round 1 I didn't draw Roy Harper, and w/o him I could team attack into my opponent, but my opponent's Killer Croc/Bane combo took me down. Round 2 I pulled off the Roy Harper combo twice, once w/ 2 TTG in game 2, and once 2/ 3 TTG in game 3. Unfortunately, game 3 my opponent had a Titan Tower, and protected himself from losing his Azrael. I dropped for contructed.
I got the dreaded 9th. Naturally, I went 4-2. And of course, rounds 2-4, after I beat the person, they dropped. I had a 4-2 and 5-1 on my record though (the people who beat me). Apparently, instead of getting a chance at the Top 8, I got a Pack of DC (cracking the vault) and 1 PC credit.
Oh well, it was the first 2 PCQs I ever played in, and I didn't do half-bad.
heh i was very tired and didn't get any sleep :(
i played ce... which is broken deck... i wanted to play TT but i also wanted to win so i go with CE.
i messed up once which cost me whole record but lucky i made in top8 cuz my opp got very good tiebreaker ^^ (4-2)
First round of top8 i beat CE.
Semi Final, I had to play mirror... it was very quick actually. i got every drop hits he miss 4 drop and 5 drop so he gave up ^^
Final, Mirror again! but equip control... First game was very easy for me because he got bad hands and i got god hand... Dr doom 4 drop helped me a lot. Because after he lost he showed me his 4 clobber time and 4 savage beatdown AND overload in his hand!!!!!
Second Game... very simlar to first game heh... so it was very fun event.
Originally posted by Tamahome
I watched DietSeto who was playing next to us Gamma Bomb with like 11 Cops out and 2 Gone but not forgottens out and his opponent was running a GK/F5 deck with 3 Supermans, 3, Dr. Lights and a army of cops out... the look on his face was priceless.
Gamma Bomb r0x0rs j00 b0x0rs!!!! Superman CAN be defeated by something other than Kryponite.
I had a great time, met some GREAT people (Thank you Yatalock Yo Azz for thr Fizzles). Hope to see you all in Jersey!
Forgot to say that I feel bad for the guy sitting across of me when we registered the sealed decks. He pulled a Have a Blast and Fizzle, and someone else got them.