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back when i use to play magic me nad my friends occasionally had a few games where we put are decks together in one stack and we all drew cards from there to play.
this is actually a fun way to play and i think it would bring a different tournament style to Versus. i recently combined my fantastic four with my friends sinister deck. both decks we're sleeved so that we could easily seperate them when the match was over.
to start with our first hand we drew the first 4 cards alternatly. i decided to mulligan and drew 4 more cards then we both drew our extra 2. my first had that i mulliganed had 4 plot twists in it. my second hand had a 7drop Doc Ock, ant man, burn rubber, shocker, signal flare, flying kick. looking at the hand it didn't seem to bad until reinforcement became an issue.
it was really hard to play the game because there was no real strategy to it. my hand was all jumbled with F4 and SS. all in all it was a lot fun. not to mention that it provides an insist to team up decks that you may not even thought of combining before. if anyone else tries this post it on here or any thoughts on the matter. i'm gonna try to get my local shop into making it an upcoming tournament.
For that format, running 40 or 50 card 'pseudo-decks' could work to reduce the blatant randomization to some degree. What's interesting here is that the deck design will be entirely different from any normal decks, since you're building for an entirely different game type. It sounds like a very cool idea, and if it wasn't for the fact that I can't think of a way to do this using the current online gaming programs, I'd love to give it a test run online. Good stuff.