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As the subject states, today I went to a card exhibition in Bensalem, right in the Philly area. I was very shocked because I looked around at the so called most popular TCG's that they had there, no Vs. As usual I couldn't maintain my composure because I wanted to buy Vs stuff. I talked with the guy in charge and asked "Why do you guys have all of the most popular games but not the most, most popular tcg." He said "and which one is that son" and finally I said "Marvel." He said "The kids don't want it." I walked away pretty angry but I wanted to post what I saw so everyone else could voice their opinion on this.
Yeah, VS is too much mental pressure for a child to maintain and they we're probably gunning to sell stuff to the spoiled little children whose mom's give them anything they want instead of having to work at a law firm 9 hours weekdays during the week, I miss childhood.