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Will silver age really be that much a swerve from GA?
Sure, it's 1.x to GA's 1.0, but will silver age really change that much? Looking at decklists form the past 2 10k's, it looks like it'll just be full of rush decks, much like all the other "modern" formats.
Here's a few examples:
4 Ape X
4 Albert Gaines ◊ Nuke
4 Golden Archer
4 Lady Lark
4 Shape
4 Tom Thumb
1 Whizzer
4 Joystick
Plot Twists
4 Answer the Call
4 Flying Kick
4 Mega-Blast
2 Other-Earth
4 Panacea Potion
3 Rocket Central
1 Airskimmer
1 Chopping Block
2 Dual Sidearms
2 Jetpack
4 Thunder Jet
10 Origins cards (most easily replaceable)
As well as
Michael Jacob
2 Rick Jones
3 Wasp
4 Natasha Romanoff ◊ Black Widow, Super Spy
4 Dane Whitman ◊ Black Knight, Heroic Paladin
4 Black Panther
3 Quicksilver, Mutant Avenger
1 Iron Man, Tony Stark
4 Carol Danvers ◊ Warbird, Galactic Adventurer
4 Hawkeye, Clinton Barton
4 She-Hulk, Gamma Bombshell
2 Hawkeye, Leader by Example
3 Wonder Man
1 Captain America, Super Soldier
2 Hercules
2 Avengers Mansion
Plot Twists
2 Avengers Assemble
3 Heroes in Reserve
4 Call Down the Lightning
4 No Man Escapes the Manhunters
4 Savage Beatdown
4 Origins cards
Along with Faces of Evil, Glee, MMKO, Gleevil, all of which are aggresive curve and off-curve decks, will the game really be that healthy? Is silver age really a boost our game needs playability wise? With control seeming more and more worthless as PC's pass, will this just be a who's beats are heavier game? With such great control cards as flame trap, TA, fizzle and all those great PT tutor's heading out the way side, will anything stop these off curve monsters? It will be up to X-men and Infinite crisis to decide it seems, but the future of silver age looks like a bleak one to me. Though maybe it's just the fact that it's 3:40 and I'm qutie tired, either way I hope a Red heavy environment isn't what we're gonna see ;(.
oh wow. see that last deck michael jacob faced in round 10? that in a World Without Flame Trap. i likey.
if overload were still around, absotively. now? there are about 10 cards left that warp deckbuilding from the origins sets, so there may be some variety, sure.
Of course, SA will be different form GA. If not in the first month it exists then later because it will rotate a set every 3 months (which makes it very different from Magic's Typ 2 because they only have a rotation once a year).
If this format isn't only played once a year it will have very interesting dynamics.
If you had read my post saeba, you'd see that I speculated there just might be enough. The metagame is already shifting towards these decks, and with the absence of such hate cards liek FT and TA (like I listed...) they will be unhampered and wreck many decks.
But in your post you mentioned Avengers Reservist, which is a curve deck, and has Hawkeye as a answer for off curve strategies. Also, good call on Avengers Disassembled, which will certainly see play.
Then there are a couple of cards like Sunfire and Firestar that hurt off curve decks. Even Insignificant Threat can be an answer to off curve decks.
This just shows how some cards that sit in the binders will be used, and new decks will arise.
I agree that there are already some decks that don't need tweaking and are really competitive if silver age started today (MSM to JLA).
But there are 400+ new cards to be released, and I have hope that the design team is aware of the off curve threats in the new format.
So I just think it's really unwise to say now that the new format sucks (as seen on some other threads), since we don't have the whole picture yet. :rolleyes:
I would like to bring up the topics of re-prints, because I, as well as some of my teammates have been talking about reprints for some time. I think X-men is the set that the reprints begin. Savage Beatdown especially because it is almost impossible for new players to get them, as well as Flame Trap, Foiled, Overload...Wait! no Overload ever again! But, you see my point, they could easily be reprinting some of these cards in Xmen and they would be seen for many Silver Ages to come.