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No Curve Sentinals is not dead, however it is seriously declineing in popularity, and will continue to do so as people come up with new decks that are jsut more powerful...
probably some other top decks right now are.
Avengers Reservist
Common Enemy
Squadron no-hand
... Maybe newschool but not so much.
The problem with CS before was that at the PC, the metagame wasn't really that developed - there were too many tier one decks that could possibly ruin your day. Hence, it became a guessing game of what type of tech you wanted to bring in - while Flame Trap, Total Anarchy, and Micro Sentinels all shut down weenies, there is a big difference in how good say, Flame Trap is against Child decks as opposed to Micro Sentinels.
Now that the metagame has become more defined now though, expect CS to make a bit of a come back - especially since Common Enemy was always traditionally one of CS' better matchups.
Right now, it seems like CS should probably be packing Null Time Zone and Micro Sentinels.
The reason I think things have changed is that Squadron Supreme is the easiest and cheepest deck aviable.
With all the rares about $2 each, and only about 3 of them in the deck, people will chose that over the coastly CS with its bastsions and 4 savage beatowns. SS has SOME tech against Newschool and CE in the form of AIDA, and even then can out race them at times. But if I was ever Q'ed or even at a PCQ, with tiem and money, id build and test New school or CE, simply because those are more effective in an aggro eviorment, which the game is now in.
With titans on the decline, SS and avevngers don't have off much off int tricks, which means good times for NS and CE.
The problem with CS at the moment, is that they would have to be packing some seriouse weenie hate, to counter Squadron and Avenger Reservist, and then would also need anti-control late game tech vs CE and NS.
Before ... there were only a few decks that could pose a threat to CS, so they were able to t3ch for those match ups exclusively and end up doing very well.
Now, there's a large variety of decks and CS can't tech for ALL of them without getting watered down. CS was always about having the 'versatility' of it's extra slots ... but it can only really hate on a few archetypes at a time. When all it had to worry about was Titans.
Also ... Avengers 'Every Reservist but Hulk or Falcon' deck shares many of the 'easy to play' aspects as Sentinels did.
Just to say .. maybe its just time for CS and TTG to take a rest after all the years both decks has been dominating. Its time for the news decks to rise up.