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Hey, I was wondering if anyone had made or would have suggestions on the viability of a Hellfire Underworld deck. Underworld's weakness in my eyes has always been the huge number of conceiled characters, so would Hellfire's mobility help that enough? Is it worth pursuing, or am I better purebreeding both? Thanks!
A thought would be the Hellfire Initiate's free cost can fuel Reaper so he can actually stay in play for more than 1 turn. If you can keep your hand full of characters, Suicide and Massachusettes Academy can net you an extra card and +1/+1 counter every turn.
Just some stuff to consider because I planned on building an Underworld/Hellfire deck myself.
I like the idea in general, but what would be the exact focus? Initiates to feed Reaper? Orb and Sage to cycle through the deck, even Gravesite, filling your graveyard. Packing your life with Dracula's Castle. Dracula (5) can be nasty with Shaw Industries and Army of One finnally making him able to stun across the curve. Sounds fun.