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Perhaps the denizens of vsrealms might shed some light on this little debate and help us resolve it.
Tony and Vincente are having an argument over who is more consistent at making money at pro circuits. They have both won approximately the same amout of money but there is disparity in how they have made it.
Tony argues that it is he who is more consistent, for he has made money at every PC he has attended (5 of 7).
Vincente argues that it is he, for he has made day 2 at every PC (7 of 7), despite not always making money.
Tony's average earnings per PC attended are approx $3000
Vincente's average earnings per PC attended are approx $2600
Other information which may or may not be relevant in making your decision:
-Tony is 86 places ahead of Vincente in the rankings.
-Vincente points out that Tony had failed to make day 2 (at 5-5) in one PC, only he made up for it in the 10k that weekend.
-Tony supported New Genesis in its illegal, ill-judged invasion of Apokolips.
-Vincente encourages illegal immigration to New Genesis to take hardworking Genesian's much-wanted jobs (like picking cabbage in Arizona) so that the money can be sent back to Mexico.
I think that covers everything. Please reply and let us know who gets your vote for most consistently poor performance.
Also, two randomly determined participants will receive a prize!
First place prize: A 30-second wearing of Vincente's special Superman hat that he wears everywhere and gives him all his powers (never washed).
Runner-up prize: A bottle of anti-dandruff shampoo.
(Prizes may be awarded to the same person. Judges' decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into).
Winning money at a 10k at a PC never counts. It doesn't even matter if you won the 10k, virtually nobody even remembers who won or top 8 a PC 10k.
If you never count 10ks, then the person who played more rounds of all the PCs they've attended has to be considered more consistent. Note, any rounds played after you're knocked out from day 2 contention cannot count.
By the same token, earning more money directly coincides with performance (barring bad tiebreaks), so the monetary factor has to come in.
I'd say he who won the highest average dollar amount per round of PC play is the more consistent.
Both people should probably aspire to be more like Vidi and just always finish in the money at every pc they've played in. Hey, I've done that too, I wonder what my $/round average is...
On one hand...making day 2 (7-7) shows that you are playing consistant all the time.
Being in the money at every event means getting lucky on day two or having fewer people entered in the tourney. (since he made money at every trny but still didn't make day 2.
I would have to vote for Day 2 as the better player.
Technical mumbo-jumbo answer:
To get a real sense of it, you would need their win/loss records summed over their entire high-level play careers (you'd have to decide if this means just PC's, or both PC's and 10k's). From those win percentages, you could then calculate if the difference was statistically significant. If you're actually that curious, I could do the numbers for you guys. My guess is, the difference is not statistically significant.
Real answer:
Since Tony supported the invasion of Apokolips, and since only right-wing Creationist-types can buy pre-emptive war as a logical solution to terrorism, Vincente wins.
Originally posted by Goop I'd probably just look at the ranking. Anybody can get lucky once or twice at an event, rankings show consistancy among play.
Maybe if they didn't sanction Hobby League and PCQs this would be true for everyone.
Originally posted by sinjinkarch Being in the money at every event means getting lucky on day two or having fewer people entered in the tourney. (since he made money at every trny but still didn't make day 2.
I don't follow the "Tony is lucky" logic, care to elaborate?
I would say They are both equal. I look consistency as in money over time. So since from first to last PC they made pretty much the same amount of cash they are both equally consistant.
Of course a couple dollars diffrence and you have a definite winner.