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So suppossedly the teams for Heralds of Galactus were announce like a month ago or so, but I'd forgotten all about 'em, and which ones were they(except the heralds for obvious reasons) however I think one of them was the Infinity Watch, and I was wondering who are/were they and which memebers were on that "team" if it was a team.
The Infinity Watch is a group of fictional characters in Marvel Comics' universe. The Watch was gathered in the first several issues of Warlock and the Infinity Watch, and starred in that series until it ended.
When Adam Warlock obtained possession of the all-powerful Infinity Gauntlet (that contained the six Infinity Gems) from Thanos, he was ordered by the Living Tribunal to separate the Gems so that they may never be used in conjunction again. He then formed the Infinity Watch, giving each gem to a person that he trusted would keep it safe. (It must be noted that, under the Gauntlet's influence, Warlock was not in his right mind, and even he wondered if he had made the right choices later on.) Most of the persons chosen stayed together as a heroic team, except for Thanos; however, having undergone a period of humility after the Infinity Gauntlet affair, he did not abuse his gem, but kept it safe.
The team was based on the Mole Man's Monster Island. With help from The Avengers & Warlock, the UN recognised the Mole Man's sovereignty of monster island. They’d previously made attempts to invade it due to the scheming of Warlock's old foe Man Beast.
Adam Warlock (Soul Gem)
Drax the Destroyer (Power Gem)
Gamora (Time Gem)
Moondragon (Mind Gem)
Pip the Troll (Space Gem)
Thanos (Reality Gem)
The team lasted until the being known as Rune stole all the gems and took them to the Ultraverse. They then disbanded. Although eventually the gems were returned to the Marvel Universe, the Watch has not been reestablished yet.