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One week from today, I will be attending my first Versus System preview and sealed pack tournament for the new Infinite Crisis expansion. As I this will be my first time, can anybody explain how things will work and their startegies for sealed (i.e. distribution of character drops, plot twists/locations, etc.)? I appreciate any help.
Previews are tricky, because unless the spoiler gets leaked early, you're mostly blind. Hmm. Here's what I'd say.
1) Aim to cover 2 teams (3 or 1 is possible but very, very unlikely.)
2) Don't forget your plot twists. A lot of people seem to fail to pack enough plot twists. Even a +1/+1 pump is worth packing in Sealed sometimes, because you want to be able to use your resource row.
3) Its probably best to try to curve. 1s are almost skippable, but try to fill out each other spot with a few guys.
I have a few issues with the curve that Latuki presented. Here would be my curve
4 1-2drops
4 3drops
4 4drops
You need to run at least 4 three and four drops. Because if you miss one of them its bad times.
3-4 5drops
2-3 6 drops
2 7 drops
8 drop optional depending on deck
you want approximately 20 characters and 10 plot twists/locations
if youre going to run a 8 drop in sealed, definatly do it at the pre lease. people havent seen the cards and the good cards arent defined yet, so games can go to 8 more often than in a sealed pcq or 10k.
General non curve related advice below *****
Well, look at some of the intangibles. You are gonna be against a clock (30 minutes to open, sort cards and build a deck). This is probably gonna stress you out. Like the others, I find one drops to be *almost* a waste of time. unless your 1 can take down a 2, worry about the 3-5's.
Sort quickly, become familiar with what information is already available (ie spoiled cards) so you don't have to spend time reading them and read after sorting by team, plot and location. stay as close as possible to 30 cards and watch out for "Mechanic specific" cards that may waste slots. Prereleases tend to be more about the "fun" so don't feel bad when you have to read your opponents cards (DO read them... DON'T assume that he/she is telling you the truth as to how they work) Teamups are always a good thing. Have Fun!!!
I can agree with firstshot's numbers. 20 characters is good. It just seems that a lot of people go overboard with characters and fail to support them. In the past, I've always sat right at about 18 characters, usually throwing the extra characters into the 3-4 slots.
A lot of this is conditional on what you recieve. A searcher would change up a lot... so would a card like Slaughter Swamp. Good luck.
Also, the Friday before the event, the FAQ for the set goes up on Upper Deck's site, so you can not only study some of the trickier card rulings, but you wind up getting a preview of a good portion of the cards in the set. It gives you a leg up on those other suckers. Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Nothing much, I believe they will provide. Just remember to add a trick effect into your deck like KOing. It proves to be of some surprise and usually may just help you win the game. Esp on turn 4 when you take out their crucial turn 4 character which may even be around on turn 6.
Yesterday I threw in a couple extras here and there and still won with it, but that structure always helps me hit the curve. Sealed is usually lost over missed drops. This set has plenty ways to smooth that out too.